Resource Summary

Core Business Areas 2005/06
Operating Expenses ($000)
Corrections 181,048 175,731 178,054 178,054
B.C. Coroners Service 10,663 13,922 13,932 14,343
Policing and Community Safety 272,183 294,850 300,230 300,230
Provincial Emergency Program 6,096 6,153 6,153 6,153
Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles 8,223 8,202 8,096 8,096
Office of the Fire Commissioner 2,364 2,389 2,389 2,389
Gaming Policy and Enforcement 14,606 14,458 14,458 14,458
Liquor Control and Licensing2 1 1 1 1
Executive and Support Services3 6,164 8,261 8,448 8,450
Emergency Program Act4 15,628 15,634 15,634 15,634
Statutory Services5 8,890 8,411 8,411 8,411
Total 525,866 548,012 555,806 556,219
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
Corrections 1,796 1,812 1,838 1,838
B.C. Coroners Service 59 81 81 81
Policing and Community Safety 146 154 154 154
Provincial Emergency Program 73 73 73 73
Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles 66 66 67 67
Office of the Fire Commissioner 25 25 25 25
Gaming Policy and Enforcement 116 116 116 116
Liquor Control and Licensing 104 104 104 104
Executive and Support Services 62 62 54 54
Emergency Program Act 0 0 0 0
Statutory Services 0 0 0 0
Total 2,447 2,493 2,512 2,512
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Corrections 2,776 4,867 4,502 3,393
B.C. Coroners Service 854 710 197 196
Policing and Community Safety 360 467 515 469
Provincial Emergency Program 0 2,130 165 95
Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles 494 543 346 313
Office of the Fire Commissioner 250 109 100 0
Gaming Policy and Enforcement 370 1,306 354 378
Liquor Control and Licensing 1,150 639 588 478
Executive and Support Services 250 259 207 100
Emergency Program Act 0 0 0 0
Statutory Services 93 93 93 93
Total 6,597 11,123 7,067 5,515
Other Financing Transactions ($000)
By Core Business (and Purpose)
Gaming Policy and Enforcement Receipts 456 484 514 546
Total Net Cash Source (Requirements) (456) (484) (514) (546)

1  These amounts have been restated, for comparative purposes only, to be consistent with the presentation of the 2006/07 Estimates. Schedule A of the Estimates presents a detailed reconciliation.
2  This core business area is self-financing, with its operating expenses recovered from liquor licensing applications and fees.
3  This core business area includes the budget for centralized support costs.
4  The Emergency Program Act provides for response to and recovery from emergencies and disasters, and for hazard mitigation initiatives.
5  Statutory Services encompasses the Forfeited Crime Proceeds Fund Special Account, the Inmate Work Program Special Account and the Victims of Crime Act Special Account.

Ministry Expenses by Goals

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