Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Results
The Office of the Premier’s role is to support government as it works to achieve the Five Great Goals as set out in Government’s Strategic Plan and implement cross ministry priorities. The Office of the Premier’s service plan goals and objectives capture the management framework through which its support to Government is delivered. They are consistent with those reported in the 2005/06–2007/08 Service Plan Update, of September 2005. The goals are:
- Government’s Strategic Plan is implemented to achieve the Five Great Goals.
- Ministry and Crown Agency activities are aligned and integrated with government’s Strategic Plan.
- Government is successful in achieving its intergovernmental relations objectives.
- The public service is well positioned to deliver government programs for British Columbians.
- Cabinet and Cabinet Committees are able to make timely and well informed decisions.
Performance Plan
Goal 1:
Government’s Strategic Plan is implemented to achieve the Five Great Goals.
Core Business Area:
Executive and Support Services/Deputy Ministers’ Policy Secretariat.
Objective 1:
Lead the successful development and implementation of Government’s Strategic Plan.
Strategies include: support Executive Council to develop Government’s Strategic Plan; clearly articulating the priorities of the Strategic Plan; assisting all ministries to develop strategies to achieve the measures and targets established in the Strategic Plan.
Performance Measure | Benchmark | 2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
2008/09 Target |
1. Government’s Strategic Plan for achieving the Five Great Goals in place to guide public service activities. | 2005/06 Strategic Plan Update. | Strategic Plan updated. | Annual review and update of Strategic Plan. | Annual review and update of Strategic Plan. |
Goal 2:
Ministry and Crown agency activities are aligned and integrated with Government’s Strategic Plan.
Core Business Area:
Executive and Support Services/Deputy Ministers’ Policy Secretariat.
Objective 1:
Guide the successful delivery of ministry and Crown agency mandates by providing direction and resolving issues requiring senior government input.
Strategies include: ensuring Ministries and Crown agencies have appropriate mandates; ensuring key priorities are well communicated; managing issues that arise in the delivery of programs and services; addressing priority issues on behalf of Executive Council; and coordinating the implementation of high priority cross-ministry services and programs and strategic initiatives.
In the Office of the Premier’s 2005/06–2007/08 Service Plan Update, part of the performance measure for this goal was that all Ministers would have accountability letters in place. As the Budget Transparency and Accountability Act requires each Minister to table in the legislature their service plan for each of the organizations they are responsible for, that aspect of the performance measure has been removed and the measure restated.
To ensure that Ministry roles and mandates are clear and Ministry activities are aligned and integrated with Government’s Strategic Plan, the Employee Performance and Development Plans (EPDPs) for Deputy Ministers and Associate Deputy Ministers have been replaced with Deputy Ministers’ Performance and Evaluation Management Letters (PEMLs).
Performance Measure | Benchmark | 2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
2008/09 Target |
2. Ministry and Crown agency service plans advance Government’s Strategic Plan. | Ministry and Crown agency service plans clearly articulate government’s priorities. | Ministry and Crown agency service plans reflect Government’s Strategic Plan.
50 per cent of new initiatives underway. |
Ministry and Crown agency service plans reflect Government’s Strategic Plan.
90 per cent of new initiatives underway. |
100 per cent of Government’s Strategic Plan initiatives underway. |
3. PEMLs in place for Deputy Ministers and Associate Deputy Ministers. | EPDPs replaced by PEMLs. | PEMLs in place for 100 per cent of Deputy Ministers and Associate Deputy Ministers. | PEMLs in place for 100 per cent of Deputy Ministers and Associate Deputy Ministers. | PEMLs in place for 100 per cent of Deputy Ministers and Associate Deputy Ministers. |
Goal 3:
Government is successful in achieving its intergovernmental relations objectives.
Core Business Area:
Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat.
Objective 1:
Lead the development and implementation of government’s intergovernmental relations plan.
Strategies include: coordination of British Columbia’s interests in inter-provincial, federal and international issues; advocating British Columbia’s objectives with other governments and international organizations, with a special focus on Asia-Pacific and the Pacific Northwest; working with federal ministers to improve the level of federal funding and investment in B.C.; working with Alberta to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services and programs for residents of the two provinces; and working with neighbouring states including Montana, Washington and Alaska to strengthen relations and improve mutual understanding.
Performance Measure | Benchmark | 2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
2008/09 Target |
4. Intergovernmental relations objectives are achieved. | Intergovernmental relations plan in place. | Intergovernmental relations priorities updated, progress on key issues including:
Pacific Gateway investments; Mountain Pine Beetle; policy changes and federal commitment to a national transportation strategy; national training strategy; immigration; and strengthened relations with neighbouring U.S. states. |
Progress on British Columbia’s priorities reflected in outcomes of key intergovernmental discussions.
Strategies in plan updated and implemented. |
Progress on British Columbia’s priorities reflected in outcomes of key intergovernmental discussions.
Strategies in plan updated and implemented. |
Goal 4:
The public service is well positioned to deliver government programs for British Columbians.
Core Business Area:
Executive and Support Services.
Objective 1:
Lead the public service and ensure a human resources plan is in place.
The provincial public service faces demographic and labour market challenges that necessitate an evolution in planning for a workforce to meet the current and future business needs of the public service. Corporate workforce planning is underway that is evidence-based, and directly linked to business requirements. The corporate human resource planning process is addressing public service retention, recruitment, compensation, leadership development, recognition, attrition, workforce adjustment and retirement issues by engaging each Deputy Minister in a public service-wide human resource planning initiative. This process allows for a corporate perspective on workforce issues and in turn, will inform the revision to the Corporate Human Resource Plan. The timelines for this process are intended to ensure that the public sector human resource planning process aligns with existing government budgeting and service planning cycles.
Performance Measure | Benchmark | 2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
2008/09 Target |
5. Implement new public service human resources plan. | Basic corporate human resources plan. | Corporate human resources plan developed and 50 per cent of initiatives underway. | Corporate human resources plan updated and 90 per cent of initiatives underway. | Corporate human resources plan updated and 100 per cent of initiatives underway. |
Goal 5:
Cabinet and Cabinet Committees are able to make timely and well informed decisions.
Core Business Area:
Executive and Support Services/Deputy Ministers’ Policy Secretariat.
Objective 1:
Support Cabinet and Government Caucus Committees.
Strategies include: ensuring Cabinet and its Committees are able to review and provide advice to Cabinet on key policy, program and legislative initiatives to ensure alignment of government activities; and, ensuring the appropriate administrative support for the operations and decision-making processes of Cabinet and its committees.
Performance Measure | Benchmark | 2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
2008/09 Target |
6. Cabinet receives timely and effective advice. | 100 per cent of ministry service plans and major policies, programs and initiatives reviewed by Cabinet Committees to ensure alignment with government strategic priorities. | Deputy Ministers Committees and Cabinet Committees provide advice on all key public policy recommendations and plans. | Deputy Ministers Committees and Cabinet Committees provide advice on all key public policy recommendations and plans. | Deputy Ministers Committees and Cabinet Committees provide advice on all key public policy recommendations and plans. |