Resource Summary

Core Business Areas 2005/06
Operating Expenses ($000)
Employment Programs 101,355 93,116 93,116 93,116
Temporary Assistance 399,705 373,222 367,974 369,904
Disability Assistance 633,607 669,229 701,929 715,929
Supplementary Assistance 195,431 209,983 212,385 213,885
Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal 1,819 2,019 2,019 2,019
Executive and Support Services 21,416 21,846 21,570 21,570
Total 1,353,333 1,369,415 1,398,993 1,416,423
Full-time Equivalents (FTEs)
Employment Programs 302 302 302 302
Temporary Assistance 514 514 514 514
Disability Assistance 592 592 592 592
Supplementary Assistance 312 312 312 312
Employment and Assistance Appeal Tribunal 14 14 14 14
Executive and Support Services 239 239 239 239
Total 1,973 1,973 1,973 1,973
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Executive and Support Services 17,507 18,000 17,595 22,725
Total 17,507 18,000 17,595 22,725

1  These amounts have been restated, for comparative purposes only, to be consistent with the presentation of the 2006/07 Estimates. Schedule A of the Estimates presents a detailed reconciliation.
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