Resource Summary

Core Business Area 2005/06
Operating Expenses ($000’s)
Court Services 133,608 125,230 125,611 124,278
Legal Services 13,382 14,703 14,657 14,657
Prosecution Services 82,659 92,810 93,554 93,018
Justice Services 92,681 94,757 96,462 96,144
Multiculturalism and Immigration 7,028 7,073 7,793 7,789
Executive and Support Services 41,243 42,451 42,857 42,999
Judiciary 52,327 60,722 61,542 61,329
Crown Proceeding Act 27,500 27,500 27,500 27,500
BC Utilities Commission 1 1 1 1
Special Account (Public Guardian and Trustee) 10,406 10,453 10,453 10,453
Total 460,835 475,700 480,430 478,168
Full-time Equivalents (Direct FTEs)
Direct FTEs 3,447 3,454 3,478 3,466
Total 3,447 3,454 3,478 3,466
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000’s)
CRF Capital Categories
Court Services 9,022 7,554 4,588 3,943
Legal Services 298 298 298 298
Prosecution Services 1,200 1,229 730 730
Justice Services 510 1,090 680 150
Multiculturalism and Immigration 1,250 1,025 1,015 510
Executive and Support Services 1,137 815 815 815
Judiciary 2,236 1,363 831 1,299
Crown Proceeding Act
BC Utilities Commission 12 12 12 12
Special Account (Public Guardian and Trustee) 794 1,024 1,024 784
Total 16,459 14,410 9,993 8,541
Consolidated Capital Plan Expenditures (CCP) ($000’s)
Project Type
Ongoing projects
Refurbishment 3,340
Total 3,340 0 0 0
Other Financing Transactions ($000’s)
Executive and Support Services
Receipts 700 950 1,000 1,000
Disbursements (700) (950) (1,000) (1,000)
Total 0 0 0 0

Estimated 2006/07 Expenditures by Ministry Goal

The diagram below shows an approximation of how the ministry’s 2006/07 budget is allocated to ministry goals. A specific ministry goal often requires resources from more than one core business area, and therefore, expenditure breakdown is an estimate.

Budget by Ministry Goal.

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