Related Initiatives and Planning Processes
Regulatory Reform
The Ministry will support Government’s Regulatory Reform initiatives by commiting to controlling regulatory burden and improving regulatory quality by:
- Identifying at least one regulatory reform opportunity that will shift the Ministry’s regulations to be more citizen-centred, cost-effective, results-based, and responsive to our clients by reducing and/or streamlining the steps or business processes involved in complying the ministry regulations; and
- Adhering to the regulatory criteria set out in the Regulatory Reform Policy, and targeting a zero percent increase in regulation through 2008/09.
Citizen-Centred Service Delivery
The Ministry is committed to ensuring student satisfaction. The Ministry provides funding and support for comprehensive, annual surveys that assess former post-secondary students’ satisfaction with numerous aspects of the post-secondary system. These surveys inform several Ministry performance measures, as well as provide valuable planning and program information to post-secondary institutions. As well, the Ministry has surveyed students regarding the one service the Ministry provides directly: student financial assistance. Survey results are used to identify areas with potential for improvement and inform decisions. For example, as a result of this survey the Ministry has added innovative debt repayment tools to meet the growing demand for student-centred web services. Student satisfaction continues to be a priority for the Ministry.
Institutional Service Plans and Reports
The Public Post-Secondary Accountability Framework, which is managed collaboratively by the Ministry and the public institutions, encourages an integrated strategic and operational planning and reporting process across the system. Under the Accountability Framework, public institutions issue annual three-year service plans that describe their goals, objectives, performance measures, and targets, and issue annual service plan reports that describe the outcomes achieved over the previous year. Further information is available on the Ministry website at: