2005/06 – 2007/08 SERVICE PLAN UPDATE
Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation
Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Results
Ministry Goals and their Linkage to the Five Great Goals

Ministry Performance Plan Summary

Performance Plan
Goal 1:
Increased social and economic stability and investment in the province through greater certainty over Crown lands and resources.
Outcome/Key Indicator:
Increased access to Crown lands and resources for economic development.
Core Business Areas:
Aboriginal Relations, Reconciliation, Negotiations
Performance Measure |
2003/04 Actual |
2004/05 Actual |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
Percentage of B.C. Crown land covered by certainty arrangements.1 |
32% |
37% 2 |
+1% |
+1% |
+1% |
Objective 1:
Concluded agreements that define rights and responsibilities between the parties and facilitate economic development.
Key strategies include: focusing on key opportunities to conclude agreements with Aboriginal people; providing leadership to line ministries and provincial
agencies to support accommodation activities; consulting with concerned parties on negotiations; strengthening relations between
First Nations and local governments and between First Nations and non-First Nations business interests; introducing improved
practices related to the timely transfer of land, resources and program responsibility to First Nations following treaties
or other agreements.
Performance Measures:
Performance Measures |
2003/04 Actual |
2004/05 Actual |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
Number of additional initialled final agreements and agreements-in-principle.1 |
4 |
1 |
2-4 |
2-4 |
2-4 |
Number of additional accommodation agreements/business arrangements.2 |
1 |
3 |
2-3 |
2-3 |
2-3 |
Number of additional partnership initiatives involving First Nations and community organizations, including local governments. |
5 |
6 |
4-6 |
4-6 |
4-6 |
Goal 2:
Social and economic opportunities and well-being for Aboriginal people.
Core Business Areas:
Aboriginal Relations, Reconciliation, Negotiations, First Citizens Fund
Objective 1:
Social and economic outcomes for Aboriginal people are improved.
Key strategies include: improving access to and quality of services for Aboriginal people through enhanced inter-ministry
coordination and partnerships; supporting capacity development within Aboriginal communities toward the delivery of culturally
appropriate programs; and providing opportunities for Aboriginal entrepreneurs to develop or expand businesses.
A work plan will be designed through collaboration with Aboriginal organizations, with the social and economic indicators
to measure progress toward the results we need in order to achieve the Five Great Goals of the next decade.
Performance Measures:
Performance Measures |
2003/04 Actual |
2004/05 Actual |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
Number of new organizational capacity partnerships, initiatives and projects.1 |
n/a |
25 |
18-222 |
18-22 |
18-22 |
Number of Aboriginal businesses created or sustained by the FCF BLP.3 |
n/a |
150 |
150 |
150 |
150 |
Number of jobs within Aboriginal businesses created or sustained by the FCF BLP. |
n/a |
350 |
350 |
350 |
350 |
Goal 3:
Build strong and respectful relationships between government and Aboriginal organizations based on a shared commitment to
reconciliation and recognition.
Outcome/Key Indicator:
Forums with Aboriginal political organizations and leadership that strengthen the relations between those representatives
and the government.
Core Business Areas:
Aboriginal Relations, Reconciliation, Negotiations
Performance Measure |
2003/04 Actual |
2004/05 Actual |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
Number of Forums that facilitate and strengthen relationships between Aboriginal political organizations and the government.1 |
1 |
2 |
1-2 |
1-2 |
1-2 |
Objective 1:
Build trust with Aboriginal people through a reconciliation and recognition framework.
Key strategies include: working cooperatively with First Nations to identify an agenda of activities focused on reconciliation
and recognition; develop policies, positions and mandates consistent with the principles of reconciliation and recognition
that improve relationships between Aboriginal people, the Crown, local governments and all citizens; provide leadership to
line ministries and provincial agencies undertaking reconciliation activities; undertake initiatives to increase public awareness
and understanding to promote a vision of reconciliation.
Performance Measures:
Performance Measures |
2003/04 Actual |
2004/05 Actual |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
Number of actions taken to implement agreed joint activities.1 |
2 |
4 |
7 |
10 |
10 |
Number of activities undertaken to build public awareness.2 |
105 |
115 |
115-120 |
115-120 |
115-1203 |
Goal 4:
Optimal and cost-effective planning, management, administrative and operational support.
Core Business Area:
Executive and Support Services
Objective 1:
Improve administrative operations through innovative business practices and technology.
Through the ongoing improvement of administrative operations, such as the use of innovative business practices and technology,
the Ministry of Aboriginal Relations and Reconciliation is able to provide effective and efficient planning, management, administrative
and operational support to its core business areas.
Key strategies include: reviewing business practices and office procedures and adopt best practices to improve cost-effectiveness
and efficiency; developing a human resources plan to support and encourage employee learning and skills identification and
development; identifying technology solutions to better track and report on performance and risks associated with meeting
business objectives.
Performance Measures:
Performance Measures |
2003/04 Actual |
2004/05 Actual |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
2007/08 Target |
Percentage of employees with performance management plans. |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
100% |
Number of best management practices adopted.1 |
5 |
6 |
4 |
4 |
4 |