2005/06 – 2007/08 SERVICE PLAN UPDATE
Ministry of Environment including Environmental Assessment Office
Environmental Assessment Office — Continued
Strategic Context
Vision, Mission and Values
Sustainable economic development that reflects the social, cultural and environmental values of British Columbians.
Provide British Columbians with a well-designed and well-delivered environmental assessment process that reflects the government's
objectives for economic growth, strong communities and responsible resource management, based on maintaining high environmental
The Environmental Assessment Office is guided in its organizational behaviour by the following values:
- Cooperation and teamwork;
- Respect for the values and opinions of others;
- Continuous improvement to ensure quality service;
- A professional and high-performance culture, encouraging innovation and creativity;
- A healthy workplace supporting staff development, recognition, and opportunity; and
- Accountability to the people of British Columbia.
The Environmental Assessment Office is guided by the following principles:
- Neutrality — Neutrally and centrally administered process.
- Fairness — Fair and open process.
- Balance — Decisions are based on impartial, balanced and informed recommendations.
- Science-based decision-making — Best available information, knowledge and technologies are considered and utilized.
- Consultative — Participatory and transparent, ensuring meaningful opportunities for public and First Nations input.
- Inter-jurisdictional coordination — Streamlined process minimizing duplication and overlap.
Planning Context and Key Strategic Issues
The increased economic growth in the province of British Columbia (3.9% growth in 2004, up from 2.5% in 2003) has had a significant
impact on the Environmental Assessment Office. The number of reviewable projects has tripled compared to the levels expected
when the Service Plan and budget were first developed in 2001. Over the last two years, the EAO has experienced an unprecedented
number of mining, energy and infrastructure projects entering the environmental assessment process. The EAO is expecting the
current high project volume to continue in the near future.
The Environmental Assessment Office continues to work with other government agencies, including the federal governing bodies
and our clients to improve upon the environmental assessment process. The Environmental Assessment Office also works with
First Nations to facilitate their involvement in project reviews to ensure the potential impacts on First Nations asserted
aboriginal rights and title are identified and addressed through meaningful consultation and accommodation in accordance with
policy and legal requirements.