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Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance  

September Update
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Strategic Context

Vision, Mission, and Values


The Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance envisions a province in which those British Columbians in need are assisted to achieve their social and economic potential.


The Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance provides services that move people toward sustainable employment and assist individuals and families in need.


The Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance’ values are reflected in its work every day, and support the government’s broader strategic plan and priorities. The government’s core values are integrity, fiscal responsibility, accountability, respect and choice.

Personal responsibility — The ministry emphasizes personal responsibility by assisting clients who are able to work to find employment and achieve independence. The ministry supports the efforts of clients who are working to enhance their self-reliance and involvement in their communities.

Active participation — Clients who are able to work are required to actively seek employment. The ministry supports these efforts with work search and job placement services, targeted employment training, and tools such as employment plans. The ministry provides additional/specialized supports to persons with disabilities to maximize their self-reliance.

Dignity and respect — The ministry is committed to treating all members of the public with equity and fairness, upholding the principles of dignity and respect. The ministry does this through open communication, building effective relationships and maintaining high ethical standards.

Innovative partnerships — The ministry is developing creative and innovative ways for delivering client-centred services, as well as working with a range of service providers and external agencies.

Citizen confidence — Maintaining public confidence in ministry programs and services is fundamental to realizing the ministry’s long-term objective of providing a sustainable income assistance system that provides for those most in need.

Fairness and transparency — The ministry operates under the principles of administrative fairness and transparency by informing clients of all reasons a decision is made, and providing access to a fair and impartial review of the original decision through reconsideration and appeal.

Clear outcomes — The ministry sets clear outcomes, whether in the form of clearly defined goals as outlined in this Service Plan or the responsibilities of clients as outlined in their employment plans.

Accountability for results — Through performance management systems, the ministry is accountable to government and all British Columbians for the results it achieves.

Planning Context

The Ministry of Employment and Income Assistance operates in a context where:

  • Changes in the economic environment, specifically the provincial labour market and employment rates, directly affect the ministry’s caseload;
  • Demographic shifts associated with an aging population, natural population growth and in-migration into the province increase demand for the ministry’s employment and disability assistance programs;
  • The number of persons with disabilities requiring assistance from the ministry is anticipated to grow due in part to an aging population, longer life expectancy for individuals experiencing significant health issues and the impact of new illnesses and conditions (such as HIV/AIDS, Hep-C, and drug and alcohol dependencies); and,
  • Members of the public continue to expect government services that are responsive, professional, inclusive, cost-effective, transparent and accountable.

These factors have a significant impact on the ministry’s operations, caseloads and ultimately, achievement of its goals and performance targets. Within this context, the ministry will pursue opportunities (external to the ministry) and leverage internal strengths that offer the potential to both mitigate risks to the ministry and its clients and support continuous improvement in the delivery of services.


  • Revived Provincial Economy: Continued strengthening of the provincial economy due to a sound fiscal policy, balanced budget, strengthened commodity pricing and improved consumer confidence has positioned BC as the national leader with real economic growth of 3.9 per cent in 2004/05. Opportunities for clients to participate in the strengthened labour markets will continue to be supported by the ministry — enhancing client independence and reducing caseloads.


  • Enhanced Client Capacity: Ministry employment programs will continue to support the transition of clients from assistance to sustainable employment through results-based partnerships with community job placement and training service providers.
  • Focus on Persons with Disabilities: The ministry will continue to assist clients with disabilities through income assistance and employment and volunteer programs. The involvement of clients in these opportunities enhances their independence and provides important benefits to the communities in which they live.
  • Client-Centered Service Delivery: The ministry will build upon its client-centered culture by working with staff to design services that are coordinated and meet evolving client needs. New and existing programs will be reviewed with a focus on service enhancements, greater consistency in the delivery of services across the province, efficient allocation of resources and increasing the time available for staff to assist clients. Implementation of the Integrated Service Delivery initiative, which is currently underway, builds upon these service attributes through streamlined business processes and improved tools and job aids. Additional work is being undertaken to enhance caseload management systems and increase utilization of the children’s health supports available to low-income families.
  • Collaboration and Partnerships: The ministry will continue to champion new partnerships with other ministries, the federal government, local municipalities and stakeholder groups to deliver flexible, cost-effective and innovative services. Among the initiatives currently underway are pilots in Vancouver and Vancouver Island addressing mental health, addiction services and homelessness.
  • Enhanced Business Administration: The ministry will continue to improve its internal operations and delivery of services through the adoption of best practices in the areas of strategic planning, project and performance management, continuous improvement initiatives and caseload forecasting.
  • Expanded Technologies: Expanded use of information and communication technologies offers the potential to improve the timeliness, consistency and cost-effectiveness of services and information provided to clients. Potential initiatives include expanded use of direct deposit of assistance payments to clients via electronic funds transfers, and streamlined adjudication processes.
  • Dedicated Staff: Members of the ministry have consistently demonstrated a high degree of dedication, professionalism and flexibility in carrying out their responsibilities. Their continued support and expertise has been, and will continue to be, critical to the success of the ministry and its clients.


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