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Appendix A: Changes From 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan

I. Ministry Overview and Core Business

  • The Ministry gained three new areas of responsibility: early childhood learning, literacy and public libraries, all of which fall under the new core business area of Early Learning and Literacy.
  • A section describing the key responsibilities and programs was added.

II. Strategic Context

Vision, Mission and Values

  • The Ministry's Vision statement was changed to:

The Ministry's vision is to make B.C. the best-educated, most literate jurisdiction on the continent.

  • The Ministry's Mission statement was updated to the most recent version:

The purpose of the British Columbia school system is to enable all learners to develop their individual potential and to acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to contribute to a healthy, democratic and pluralistic society and a prosperous and sustainable economy.

Planning Context

This section, which sets out the environmental factors, external and internal, in which the Ministry operates, has been added.

Key Strategic Issues

This section, which outlines the strategic direction that the Ministry will take over the next year, is also a new addition. The focus will be on:

  • Literacy;
  • Health-Promoting Schools;
  • Building Community Capacity (to improve literacy) through School Community Connections and through Libraries.

III. Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Results

Performance Plan

There were substantive changes to this section — these changes are summarized in the table below.

Changes to 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan Update (September 2005)
From 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan

Service Plan
2005/06–2007/08 Service Plan
(September 2005)
Goal 1: Improved student achievement Goal 1: Improved student achievement • No change
Goal 2: A high quality performance-oriented education system Goal 2: A high quality performance-oriented education system
Service Plan
2005/06–2007/08 Service Plan
(September 2005)
Objective 1: Improved student achievement in areas of intellectual development with a specific focus on literacy Objective 1: Achievement will improve for all students

Objective 2: British Columbians are highly literate

• Split into 2

• wording

Objective 2: Improved student human and social development (i.e., health and well-being) Objective 3: B.C. children live healthy lifestyles and make responsible life choices • wording
Objective 3: An environment of choice and flexibility exists in the K–12 education system Objective 4: An environment of choice and flexibility exists in the K–12 education system • wording
Objective 5: Focus on teaching and learning • added
Objective 6: Continued emphasis on accountability • added
Objective 7: Build capacity of School Planning Councils • added
Service Plan
2005/06–2007/08 Service Plan
(September 2005)
Strategy 1: Provide Support for early literacy Strategy 1: To focus on Early Childhood Learning so children are better prepared for Kindergarten • combined 2 in 1

• wording

Strategy 2: Encourage early intervention to improve success in reading Strategy 2: To build community capacity in order to address local literacy needs • added
Strategy 3: To improve literacy across all segments of society through collaborations and partnerships between public libraries and the education system (schools), post-secondary institutions and all levels of government • added
Strategy 4: To improve literacy by facilitating access to information by:

• building a province-wide virtual reference service

• implementing the One Card system for all B.C. public libraries

• added
Strategy 5: To improve literacy through a comprehensive plan designed to support students who struggle with literacy • added
Strategy 6: To take a national leadership role on literacy, through the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada • added
Strategy 3: Monitor and report student performance Strategy 7: To report achievement information on students through assessment, measurement, monitoring and reporting results and managing overall system performance (achievement levels will be reported for all students except gifted) • combined 2 into 1

• wording

• gifted no longer included

• satisfaction results no longer included

Strategy 4: Provide student achievement and satisfaction data results to parents and students
Strategy 5: Recognize all achievements by acknowledging learning outside of the classroom Strategy 8: To expand course and program choices available to students by increasing alternative service delivery methods

Strategy 9: To expand program options for industry training

• wording different, however still deals with choice and flexibility
Strategy 6: Continue to support the efforts of schools, school boards and school communities across British Columbia as they strive toward the vision of safe streets and schools described in Safe, Caring and Orderly Schools: A Guide Strategy 10: To set expectations that school districts and schools address safety in school and district plans

Strategy 11: To establish a Teachers' Employment Registry

• wording and focus

• expanded to include teachers' registry

Strategy 7: Work with other social policy ministries to develop strategies that support fitness/healthy living for K–12 Strategy 12: To focus on Health- Promoting Schools through:

• Actions Schools! BC

• New curriculum on Health and Career Planning

• New Physical Education Curriculum K–7

• Guidelines for selling healthy foods in schools

• expanded
Strategy 13: To promote quality teaching through a focus on professional development for educational leaders through the Supervision for Learning project • added
Strategy 14: To review Integrated Resource Packages (IRP's) and identify essential learning to clarify provincial expectations • added
Strategy 15: To continue to require annual school plans, annual district accountability contracts and annual district reviews, under the terms of the Accountability Framework. As well, to continue to work with school boards to complete Aboriginal Enhancement Agreements • added
Strategy 16: To develop reporting requirements for schools and school districts related to class size, teacher hiring, terminations, disciplinary actions and professional development • added
Strategy 17: To focus on data-based decision-making through assessing performance, measuring progress, reporting results and managing overall system performance • added
Strategy 18: To provide training opportunities to build capacity in School Planning Councils • added
Strategy 19: To focus on the role of School Planning Councils in District Reviews • added
Strategy 20: To focus on the role of School Planning Councils in Accountability Contracts • added
Service Plan
2005/06–2007/08 Service Plan
(September 2005)
1. School Completion Rates 1. Completion rates • wording excludes gifted students
2. Provincial Test

Part I: FSA results

Part II: Graduation Program Exam results

2. Provincial Assessment results • wording (content is the same)
3. Enrolment of students in secondary apprenticeship programs 3. Number of students participating in industry training programs • wording

• meaning

4. Part I: Percentage of public school parents who report that their child feels safe at school

Part II: Percentage of public school students who report feeling safe at school

• deleted
5. Part I: Percentage of parents who report their child is learning how to stay healthy

Part II: Percentage of students who report learning how to stay healthy

4. Learning to stay healthy:

A. Percentage of parents who report their child is learning how to stay healthy at school

B. Percentage of students who report learning how to stay healthy at school

• wording
6. Percentage of public school parents and students reporting satisfaction with program choices available to them 5. Percentage of public school students and parents satisfied with education program choices available to them • wording (“education added”)
6. National and/or International assessment results (SAIP) • added
7. Transition rates

• from graduation to post secondary education or to workforce

• grade to grade

• added
8. Participation in distributed learning programs • added
9. Number of choice programs available • added
10. Number of course challenges in the transcripts and examinations system (TRAX) • added
11. Percentage of school district Accountability Contracts, District reviews, and Aboriginal Enhancement agreements that focus on student achievement • added
12. EDI (Early Development Index) • added
13. Number of community literacy plans in place through LiteracyNow • added
14. Percentage of school districts with School Community Connections agreements planned or in place • added
15. ALLS (Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey) • added
16. Number of national literacy research projects aligned with provincial priorities • added
17. Number of schools participating in the Action Schools! BC program • added
18. Proportion of healthy foods for sale in schools • added
19. Percentage of school district Accountability Contracts that address safety • added
20. Percentage of educational leaders successfully completing the Supervision for Learning program • added
21. Integrated Resource Packages:

A. Number of Integrated Resource Packages (IRP's) reviewed

B. Number of learning outcomes in IRP's that have been streamlined or eliminated

• added
22. Percentage of schools taking part in Ready, Set, Learn open house events • added
23, 24, 25: A qualitative and/or quantitative performance measure is under development for each of the 3 strategies under Objective 7 (Build capacity of School Planning Councils) • added
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