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Ministry of Community Services  

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Ministry Overview and Core Business Areas

Ministry Overview

The Ministry of Community Services was established on June 16, 2005 and provides policy analysis, programs and services related to local government, seniors', women's and community issues. Prior to June, these program and policy areas were housed under the former Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services. The Ministry of Community Services' programs and services contribute to fulfilling the government's goals for a Golden Decade by placing greater emphasis on fostering local support for and commitment to important objectives such as literacy, health and wellness, supportive communities, environmental sustainability and economic opportunity for British Columbians.

The ministry has three core business areas: local government; seniors', women's and community services; and executive and support services (see Appendix I for the ministry organization chart). The ministry administers over 15 pieces of legislation (see Appendix II) and is responsible for the following Agencies, Boards and Commissions: the Islands Trust; the Municipal Insurance Association of B.C.; and the Premier's Council on Aging and Seniors' Issues.

The ministry delivers its mission, goals and objectives through the following core activities:

  • Providing the legislative, policy and governance framework for local governments;
  • Funding third party service providers to deliver client-centred intervention and prevention services to women and their children leaving abusive relationships;
  • Brokering partnerships to deliver services to address inner-city issues and issues related to communities in transition;
  • Undertaking policy analysis and raising awareness about issues related to seniors and women; and
  • Building relationships and managing communications with other ministries, staff, clients and stakeholders.

There are a number of cross-government initiatives for which the Ministry of Community Services is responsible. These include:

  • Premier's Council on Aging and Seniors' Issues;
  • Reviewing issues related to regional governance;
  • Addressing issues for communities in transition; and
  • Taking the lead role in responding to the federal New Deal for Cities and Communities.

Since the former Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services 2005/06 – 2007/08 Service Plan was published in February 2005, there have been significant changes to the Ministry of Community Services' mandate. The ministry's areas of responsibility include the three core business areas identified above. Programs no longer resident in the ministry include: multiculturalism and immigration; aboriginal directorate; housing, building and safety policy; heritage; public library services; and the Office of the Fire Commissioner. Additionally, the ministry's Management Services Department is now responsible for providing support to the Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts.

Core Business Areas and Structure

1. Local Government

The local government core business area is resourced by the Local Government Department and is composed of four program areas: Governance and Structure Division; Infrastructure and Finance Division; Intergovernmental Relations and Planning Division; and Local Government Policy and Research Branch.

Under this core business area, the ministry supports local governments to address community needs through powers provided by the Community Charterand Local Government Act; manages sewer and water infrastructure planning and development funding; works with regional districts to develop growth strategies; assists local governments with incorporations, amalgamations and boundary extensions; and facilitates productive relationships among local governments, provincial agencies and First Nations. The Local Government Department is also responsible for municipal services in the University Endowment Lands.

Much of the work of the ministry in this core business area relies on building and furthering positive working relationships at the community and regional levels among local governments and other bodies, and at the provincial and federal level between local governments and provincial and federal ministries, as well as between the Province and First Nations. There are a diverse number of stakeholders and service partners in the local government arena. These partnerships are founded on mutual interest or shared desired outcomes rather than formal accountability mechanisms.

The Local Government Department has a budget of $178.2 million for 2005/06, with a staff of 86 full-time equivalents.

2. Seniors', Women's and Community Services

The seniors', women's and community services core business area is resourced by the Seniors', Women's and Community Services Department. This department is composed of three policy/program areas: Seniors' and Women's Policy Branch, Stopping the Violence Branch, the Inner-City Partnerships Branch, and Community Transition.

Under this core business area, the ministry is responsible for policy and programs related to seniors, women and inner-city issues. The ministry contributes to community health and safety by funding third party service providers to deliver transition house programs for women and children leaving abusive relationships; counselling programs for women who have experienced violence and children who have witnessed abuse; and public education and partnership initiatives that aim to reduce violence against women. The ministry also provides policy analysis, research and information to government and the public on seniors' and women's issues, as well as representing British Columbia at the fora of Ministers Responsible for Status of Women and Ministers Responsible for Seniors.

Through this core business area, the ministry also supports sustainable urban revitalization in inner-city communities through public, private and community partnerships. Responsibilities include brokering partnerships to create economic and social development opportunities in inner-city communities across British Columbia, facilitating the implementation of the Inclusive Olympic Commitments1 and maintaining the BladeRunners youth employment program. This business area also works to address issues for communities in transition.

The seniors', women's and community services core business area has a budget for 2005/06 of $50.6 million, with a staff of 33 full-time equivalents.

1  Arising from the 2010 Bid Corporation and its Member Partners' mutual vision to create sustainable legacies for all British Columbians, the Inclusive Inner-City Olympic Commitments were developed. Contained within the guarantee section of the 2010 Bid Book, the Inner-City Inclusive Commitment Statement contains 37 goals, centering on employment, economic development, housing, recreation and culture, to ensure the interests of those living in Vancouver's inner-city neighbourhoods are addressed.

3. Executive and Support Services

The executive and support services core business area is composed of the Management Services Department and the Offices of the Minister and Deputy Minister. The Management Services Department supports programs in both the Ministry of Community Services and the Ministry of Tourism, Sport and the Arts by supplying services such as:

  • corporate policy and planning;
  • legislation, regulation and regulatory reform;
  • facilities and administrative services;
  • financial services;
  • information, privacy, records management and the intranet;
  • information systems; and
  • strategic human resources.

The executive and support services core business area has a budget for 2005/06 of $8 million, with a staff of 71 full-time equivalents.

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