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Treaty Negotiations Office

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Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Results


Treaty Negotiations Office (TNO) Mission
The Treaty Negotiations Office provides leadership in concluding agreements with First Nations. The Office works collaboratively with other provincial ministries, First Nations organizations, the federal government and other partners to establish workable arrangements with First Nations and increase certainty over Crown lands and resources in British Columbia.

TNO Goals   TNO Objectives   Performance Measures/Indicators

A strong and vibrant provincial economy.



1. Increased social and economic stability and investment in the province through greater certainty over Crown lands and resources.


1. Concluded agreements that define rights and responsibilities between parties and facilitate economic development.


1. Percentage of B.C. Crown land covered by certainty arrangements.

2. Number of initialled final agreements and agreements-in-principle.

3. Number of accommodation agreements/business arrangements.

4. Number of partnership initiatives involving First Nations and community organizations, including local governments.


2. Ratified and implemented final agreements.


1. Number of final agreements brought into effect.

2. Negotiated agreements reflect referendum principles.

A supportive social fabric. Safe, healthy communities and a sustainable environment.



2. Build strong and respectful relationships between government and First Nations based on a shared commitment to reconciliation and recognition.


3. Build trust with First Nations through a reconciliation and recognition framework.


1. Number of agreements that facilitate and strengthen relationships between First Nations and governments.

2. Number of actions taken to implement agreed joint activities.

3. Number of actions taken to build public awareness.

A strong and vibrant provincial economy.



3. Optimal and cost-effective planning, management, administrative and operational support.


4. Improve administrative operations through innovative business practices and technology.

1. Percentage of employees with performance management plans.

2. Number of best practices adopted.

Goal 1:

Increased social and economic stability and investment in the province through greater certainty over Crown lands and resources.

Core Business Areas:

Negotiations, Reconciliation, Treaty Settlement and Implementation.

Objective 1:

Concluded agreements that define rights and responsibilities between the parties and facilitate economic development.

Key strategies include: focusing on key opportunities to conclude treaty-related agreements; streamlining negotiation practices to fast-track treaty settlements; providing leadership to line ministries and provincial agencies to support accommodation activities; consulting with concerned parties on treaty negotiations; strengthening relations between Aboriginal and local governments and between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal business interests; introducing improved practices related to the timely transfer of land, resources and program responsibility to First Nations following treaties or other agreements.

Performance Measures:

Percentage of B.C. Crown land covered by certainty arrangements.1 33% 34% 35% 36%
Number of initialled final agreements and agreements-in-principle.2 2 2-4 2-4 2-4
Number of accommodation agreements/business arrangements.3 2-3 2-3 2-3 2-3
Number of partnership initiatives involving First Nations and community organizations, including local governments. 4-6 4-6 4-6 4-6

1  Calculated as of March 31, 2004, the base figure for the amount of Crown land covered by certainty arrangements is 59,364,322 28,753,499* ha and includes all certainty arrangements across government. For 2004/05 it is estimated that 14.57% of Crown land will be covered by Nisga' a Treaty, agreements-in-principle and operational certainty arrangements, 18.75% will be covered by Treaty 8 for an overall total of 33.32%.
2  Initialled final agreements and agreements-in-principle represent an incremental number each fiscal year.
3  Refers to significant accommodation agreements with cross-ministry impacts.
Note: Corrected due to clerical error.

Objective 2:

Ratified and implemented final agreements.

Key strategies include: completing First Nation eligibility, enrolment and ratification processes; enacting provincial settlement legislation; completing closing activities in preparation for land transfer; addressing treaty impacts through mechanisms including third party compensation and community adjustment and providing oversight to ensure that all provincial treaty obligations are met.

Performance Measures:

Number of final agreements brought into effect.1 0 0 0 2-4
Negotiated agreements reflect referendum principles.2 100% 100% 100% 100%

1  Average time required by all parties to sign and ratify final agreements is estimated to be 2-3 years.
2  Referendum Principles can be found at: /news/2002/eight_new_treaty_principles.htm

Goal 2:

Build strong and respectful relationships between government and First Nations based on a shared commitment to reconciliation and recognition.

Core Business Areas:

Negotiations, Reconciliation.

Objective 1:

Build trust with First Nations through a reconciliation and recognition framework.

Key strategies include: working co-operatively with First Nations to identify an agenda of activities focused on reconciliation and recognition; develop policies, positions and mandates consistent with the principles of reconciliation and recognition that improve relationships between First Nations, the Crown, local governments and all citizens; provide leadership to line ministries and provincial agencies undertaking reconciliation activities.

Performance Measures:

Number of non-treaty agreements that facilitate and strengthen relationships between First Nations and governments.1 2 1-2 1-2 1-2
Number of actions taken to implement agreed joint activities.2 5 7 10 10
Number of activities taken to build public awareness.3 40-70 40-70 40-70 40-70

1  Includes broad comprehensive agreements such as the "Protocol Respecting the Government to Government Relationship between the First Nations represented by the First Nations Summit and the Government of British Columbia".
2  Refers to specific initiatives coordinated or lead by TNO in areas such as education, emergency preparedness, and Aboriginal place naming.
3  Activities undertaken to build public awareness include open houses, publications and speeches.

Goal 3:

Optimal and cost-effective planning, management, administrative and operational support.

Core Business Area:


Objective 1:

Improve administrative operations through innovative business practices and technology.

Through the ongoing improvement of administrative operations such as the use of innovative business practices and technology, the Treaty Negotiations Office is able to provide effective and efficient planning, management, administrative and operational support to the its core business areas.

Key strategies include: reviewing business practices and office procedures and adopting best practices to improve cost-effectiveness and efficiency; developing a human resource plan to support and encourage employee learning and skills identification and development; identifying technology solutions to better track and report on performance and risks associated with meeting business objectives.

Performance Measures:

Percentage of employees with performance management plans. 100% 100% 100% 100%
Number of best management practices adopted.1 6 4 4 4

1  Targets reflect the number of new best practices adopted each fiscal year and include such measures as iExpense, iPlan, Time on Line, iProcurement, web-based document collaboration and improved records management processes.
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