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Ministry of
Energy and Mines

Budget 2005 Home
B.C. Home  Budget 2005  Vision, Mission and Values

Vision, Mission and Values


Thriving, competitive, safe and environmentally responsible energy and mining sectors significantly benefiting all British Columbians.


The Ministry of Energy and Mines facilitates investment in the responsible development of British Columbia's energy and mineral resources to benefit British Columbians.


The following values define the Ministry of Energy and Mines' management style and positions it to achieve its Service Plan goals and objectives.


The Ministry works with the energy and mining sectors, advocating their interests to broader stakeholder groups in a way that ensures the responsible and sustainable development of energy and mineral resources.


The Ministry is committed to respectful, honest and ethical behavior in all its communications and actions.


The Ministry is service-oriented and responds to the needs of its stakeholders and the public in a timely and effective manner.


The Ministry is accountable to government and the public for the results identified in its Service Plan. The Ministry is effective and efficient in delivering timely services and implementing sound financial management.


The Ministry is committed to maintaining the highest levels of both technical competency and public service values, and encouraging innovation and creativity.

Partnership Building

The Ministry promotes teamwork, good working relationships and effective partnerships with others.

  Ministry Mission
The Ministry of Energy and Mines facilitates investment in the
responsible development of British Columbia's energy and
mineral resources to benefit British Columbians
A strong and vibrant Provincial economy. Safe, healthy communities and a sustainable environment. A strong and competitive oil and gas sector in British Columbia. Increase capital investment in BC's oil and gas sector. Annual oil and gas industry investment
Increase BC's
oil and gas production activity and reserves.
Reserve replacement
Wells drilled
Raw natural gas production
Crude oil production
Provincial revenue
Community engagement and environmental stewardship. Wells on multi-well pads
Enable offshore oil and gas development.
Implement the Offshore Oil and Gas Project Plan
A safe, environmentally responsible and globally competitive exploration and mining sector in British Columbia. Increase exploration investment. Mineral exploration expenditure
Capital investment
Environmental protection at mine sites. Compliance with permit and reclamation orders
Maintain health and safety standards at sites. Accident frequency
Compliance with mine inspection orders
Promote the consistent application of two-zone land use systems. Facilitate regional workshops
Thriving, competitive, reliable and environmentally responsible electricity and alternative energy sectors. Facilitate investment in electricity and alternative energy. Investment in alternative energy
Investment in hydrogen and fuel cell sector
Environmental improvements through promotion of alternative energy and energy efficiency. "Energy Star" rating
"Energuide" ratings
Implementation of the Provincial Energy Plan. Implementation of policy actions
Implementation of the Alternative Energy Strategy
First Nations and communities working with government for the responsible development of BC's energy and mineral resources. Build relationships with First Nations to facilitate participation in the energy and mining sectors. First Nations Engagement Strategy
Ministry First Nations knowledge
Treaty 8 negotiations
MEM as an exemplary organization. Implement effective human resource practices consistent with best practices. EPDP implementation
Updated HR plan
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