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Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries

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Ministry Overview and Core Business Areas

The mandate of the ministry is to assist the agriculture, food and fisheries sectors to prosper and contribute to the British Columbia economy, while delivering high-quality and safe products to consumers within a context of environmental sustainability.

The ministry partners with federal agencies such as Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), Fisheries and Oceans of Canada (DFO), as well as numerous industry stakeholder organizations and other provincial agencies to fulfill its mandate. The partnership with the AAFC has been formalized with the Agriculture Policy Framework (APF) and implementation agreements. Services and programs delivered by the ministry are divided into the following six core business areas:

1. Industry Competitiveness

Industry Competitiveness focuses on reducing regulatory burden for farm businesses, promoting industry self-reliance and encouraging competitiveness, providing online access to information and expertise, facilitating investment in the bio-based economy and influencing international and inter-provincial trade negotiations and disputes.

2. Fisheries and Aquaculture Management

Fisheries and Aquaculture Management promotes economic growth and environmental sustainability, harmonizes policies and regulations at the federal and provincial levels and strengthens monitoring and enforcement regimes. In addition, Fisheries and Aquaculture Management participates in coastal and marine planning, and builds awareness of fisheries and aquaculture practices and economic benefits.

3. Food Safety and Quality

Food Safety and Quality promotes science-based approaches to monitoring food production systems, from plant and animal health through to food safety and quality and product tracking (traceability) throughout the food production system.

4. Environmental Sustainability and Resource Development

Environmental Sustainability and Resource Development provides services and programs that improve industry management of soil, waste and water, promotes cooperation and understanding of farm and aquaculture practices within local government and communities, improves access to crown and agricultural resources and improves the fit between local regulations and agriculture and aquaculture activities.

5. Risk Management

Risk Management services and programs promote, develop and deliver risk management products such as the Canadian Agriculture Income Stabilization Program (CAIS) and Production Insurance. These products help to effectively manage on-farm risks and reduce the province's exposure to the associated financial risks.

6. Executive and Support Services

The core business area of Executive and Support Services broadly supports the five other core business areas. It consists of the Strategy, Policy and Legislation Services Division, the Corporate Services Division and the Deputy Minister's Office. Key services provided to the ministry include strategic planning, legislative and policy support, financial management, human resources and performance strategies.

Expenditures and FTE's allocated to each of these business areas are identified in the Resource Summary section, as follows.


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