Message from the
The following Strategic Plan has been produced for you, the people of British Columbia. It sets out our government's priorities over the next three years to revitalize the economy, ensure sound fiscal management, and deliver excellent public services. And it details clear measures to ensure accountability for our progress in reaching these goals.
Much has been accomplished in the past two years since our government's first Strategic Plan was tabled. We have completed or begun work on 95 per cent of our New Era commitments. We have significantly increased funding for education and health care, all while achieving a balanced budget in 2004/05. And we are now seeing significant improvements in our economy, with record levels of job creation and renewed confidence for the future.
One of the most exciting events that occurred over the past year was British Columbia's success in its bid to host the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Over the next several years our government will ensure that we fully maximize the benefits of hosting the Olympics and leverage this opportunity to attract new business investment, expand and diversify the province's exports to benefit all regions of the province, and leave sustainable legacies for athletes and communities. The initiatives that we undertake as we prepare for the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games will create jobs, strengthen regional economies, and establish our province as an economic leader and a global magnet for trade and investment.
We are going to keep working to open up British Columbia to new opportunities for us all, and to build a bright future for our province, communities and families.
This is the third annual three-year Government Strategic Plan produced for British Columbians. The purpose of this plan is to inform the public and the public service of the government's long-term vision for the province. This vision sees British Columbians as innovators, turning great ideas into great ventures. Our goal is for British Columbia to have the best performing economy and the highest quality of life in North America. Revitalizing economic prosperity is the key to improving our quality of life in British Columbia and sustaining our valued public services. This plan outlines how we will achieve our vision. It describes:
- The core values that guide government — our beliefs and principles;
- Our goals, objectives and strategies — what we hope to accomplish and how; and
- Performance measures — how we will know whether we are achieving our goals and objectives.
The foundation of this plan is based on three overriding goals: economic growth, a supportive social fabric and healthy communities and environment. Renewing our economy is unquestionably this government's top priority. It ultimately allows families to prosper and provides funds for government programs.
Measures & Evaluations
We have committed to holding government accountable for measuring the success of its programs and reporting on performance. In developing this plan we have drawn from work across the province, and have used sets of evaluations and information that we monitor on a regular basis to assist in the development of key performance measures and indicators. In addition, we have established the British Columbia Progress Board to help define specific economic, social and environmental benchmarks and targets for the tax, regulatory, social and fiscal reforms that government will undertake, and to monitor its performance. This work will assist us in fulfilling the commitment to provide regular reports to British Columbians and the Legislature so that taxpayers can monitor our performance and progress, and hold government accountable for its commitments. It will also help to inform government where follow-up efforts are necessary and additional work is warranted.
The key measures that have been selected are those that best represent the overall performance in areas that are priorities for British Columbians. These measures do not tell us everything about government's performance, but they do provide an indication of the progress British Columbia is making in key areas such as the economy, health, education, justice, and the environment.
Each year, government will report results for each measure relative to the target that has been set. These results are used as indicators of the government's progress towards achieving its goals. In addition, each government ministry has a set of key performance measures that relate to their goals and objectives. Ministry measures provide more detailed information on specific program performance. These measures are reported in ministry annual reports.
British Columbia is a prosperous and just province, whose citizens achieve their potential and have confidence in the future.
Core Values
INTEGRITY: to make decisions in a manner that is consistent, professional, fair and balanced
FISCAL RESPONSIBILITY: to implement affordable public policies
ACCOUNTABILITY: to enhance efficiency, effectiveness and credibility of government
RESPECT: to treat all citizens equitably, compassionately and respectfully
CHOICE: afford citizens the opportunity to exercise self-determination
Link to Ministry Service Plans
The Strategic Plan is the guiding document for government, outlining its goals for the economy, our social fabric, our communities and physical environment. It is the umbrella plan for individual ministry service plans, which provide greater detail on performance measures and strategies.
Themes Underlying the Plan
Government will operate in an innovative, enterprising, results-oriented and accountable manner. In doing so, it will adopt the following managerial principles:
- High standards of accountability, consultation and ethics
- Focused and efficient delivery of government services
- Social and fiscal responsibility
- Open and transparent government
- An innovative and goal-oriented public service

Links to the New Era
The New Era document, which outlined the government's 2001 election policy platform, contained many far-reaching policy objectives. Ten specific objectives were highlighted for the future. Those ten objectives link to the goals described in this Strategic Plan, as outlined below:
- A thriving private sector economy that creates high-paying job opportunities.
- The fastest growing technology industry in Canada.
- Greater equity and equality for British Columbia in Canada.
- Responsible, accountable management of public resources and tax dollars.
- A top-notch education system for students of all ages.
- High-quality public health care services that meet all patients' needs, where they live and when they need it.
- Better services for children, families and First Nations.
- The most open, accountable and democratic government in Canada.
- Safer streets and schools in every community.
- A leading edge forest industry that is globally recognized for its productivity and environmental stewardship.
These commitments are reflected in the government's Strategic Plan.