Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Appendix 1. Strategic ContextContinued

Figure 2. Relationship of the Ministry Service Plan to the Government's Strategic Plan 2004/05 - 2006/07

Government Strategic Plan Goal 1: A strong and vibrant provincial economy.

Government Strategic Action Account-ability1 Ministry Goals and Objectives
G1 G2 G3
O1 O2 O3 O1 O2 O3 O1 O2 O3
Government Strategy: Innovation and Economic Growth
Work with the private sector to remove barriers to economic activity. Support      
Optimize the wealth-generating capacity of the provincial resource base. Shared    
Increase mining exploration and development activity. Support              
Conclude treaty and other economic-related agreements with First Nations that promote investment certainty and increase access to Crown land and resources. Support        
Expand partnerships with the federal government to promote economic growth and development in British Columbia. Support            
Government Strategy: Management of Government
All ministries will meet their budget and service plan targets. Support
Continue to streamline government's legislation and regulations. Support          
Promote new and more effective ways to deliver services and infrastructure through alternative service delivery and partnership arrangements. Support            
Expand public access to government through e-government initiatives. Support            
Continue to expand one-stop permitting and licensing in key sectors. Support                

1   MSRM has all four possible types of accountability in the government's strategic plan;
1. Lead — where multiple ministries are involved in delivery but MSRM has lead responsibility.
2. Sole — where MSRM is the only ministry identified as involved in delivery.
3. Shared — where multiple ministries are involved and MSRM has shared accountability.
4. Support — where MSRM is supporting another ministry which has lead accountability. Strategic actions have been bolded which involve the first three types of accountability for MSRM.

Government Strategic Plan Goal 3: Safe, healthy communities and a sustainable environment.

Government Strategic Action Account-ability1 Ministry Goals and Objectives
G1 G2 G3
O1 O2 O3 O1 O2 O3 01 O2 O3
Government Strategy: Sustainable Resource Development
Expedite economic development by increasing access to Crown land and resources. Lead  
Promote resource investment opportunities within and outside British Columbia. Shared  
Develop market-based pricing regimes which include fair value for the province's land and resources. Shared              
Develop partnerships with industry and other stakeholders to provide opportunities for more effective, efficient and innovative management of Crown land and resources. Shared      
Ensure that Crown land and resource decisions are informed by First Nations interests. Support  
Improve economic development opportunities for First Nations. Support          
Implement the Working Forest Initiative to increase land-based certainty, enhance long-term forestry management and streamline land-use decision processes. Sole              
Complete remaining strategic land-use plans and begin implementation. Sole                
Provide access to integrated land, resource and geographic information for government, industry and public use. Sole            
Government Strategy: Environmental Protection and Safety
Implement made-in-British Columbia strategies and action plans to address issues associated with greenhouse gases, climate change and biodiversity. Support              
Implement two-zone system for subsurface resource exploration and development. Support          
Implement a streamlined, science-
based, results-oriented regulatory approach to protect human health and the environment and ensure effective enforcement.
Government Strategy: Community Services and Infrastructure
Establish workable relationships with First Nations communities. Support            


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