Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Appendix 2. Supplementary Performance InformationContinued

Goal 3: Fair, efficient and equitable administration that meets customers needs.

Status Measure 2002/03 Actual 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target Rationale
Discontinued Number of programs transferred each fiscal year. Two programs One program N/A Discontinued as the Ministry is now responsible for 80 per cent of all government accounts receivable. New measures will be developed when consolidation of accounts receivable through RMP is completed.
Discontinued Achieve Revenue Receivable Management Project plan milestones. Percentage of A/R system completed. 10% 35% N/A Discontinued pending development and implementation of the RMP, at which time new performance measures will be developed for the Service Plan.
Same Elapsed time from receipt of appeal to final decision. 11.4 months Adjusted to 11.4 months from 8.5 months Adjusted to 11.4 months from 7.0 months Elapsed time has been adjusted outwards to reflect the addition of a new appeals process for mineral tax appeals and a significant increase in appeals volume as a result of increased audit activity.
Same Meet annual regulatory reduction target from a baseline of 13,640 requirements. Reduced base by 1,245 regulatory requirements. 13% 0% Reduced and consolidated requirements are aimed at improving customer service and ease of access. The ministry target of 12% in 2004/05 was modified as the majority of ministry reductions that can be achieved will be realized during fiscal year 2003/04.


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