Appendix 2. Supplementary Performance Information —
Goal 3: Fair, efficient and equitable administration that
meets customers needs.
Status |
Measure |
2002/03 Actual |
2003/04 Target |
2004/05 Target |
Rationale |
Discontinued |
Number of programs transferred each fiscal year. |
Two programs |
One program |
N/A |
Discontinued as the Ministry is now responsible for 80 per
cent of all government accounts receivable. New measures will
be developed when consolidation of accounts receivable through
RMP is completed. |
Discontinued |
Achieve Revenue Receivable Management Project plan milestones.
Percentage of A/R system completed. |
10% |
35% |
N/A |
Discontinued pending development and implementation of the
RMP, at which time new performance measures will be developed
for the Service Plan. |
Same |
Elapsed time from receipt of appeal to final decision. |
11.4 months |
Adjusted to 11.4 months from 8.5 months |
Adjusted to 11.4 months from 7.0 months |
Elapsed time has been adjusted outwards to reflect the addition
of a new appeals process for mineral tax appeals and a significant
increase in appeals volume as a result of increased audit
activity. |
Same |
Meet annual regulatory reduction target from a baseline
of 13,640 requirements. |
Reduced base by 1,245 regulatory requirements.
13% |
0% |
Reduced and consolidated requirements are aimed at improving
customer service and ease of access. The ministry target of
12% in 2004/05 was modified as the majority of ministry reductions
that can be achieved will be realized during fiscal year 2003/04. |