Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and ResultsContinued

Goal 4: Effective, efficient and transparent corporate services are provided to government and the public.

Objective 1:
Efficient, effective Cabinet operations and decision-making.
Measure 2003/04
Quality standards for Cabinet and Committee material. Actual: User surveys implemented and processes adjusted accordingly to meet quality standards. Standards maintained. Standards maintained. Standards maintained.
Core Business Area:
Executive and Support Services.
1. Ensure appropriate administrative support for the operations and decision-making processes of Cabinet and related committees.
2. Implement a pilot to enable Cabinet and related committees to receive meeting materials through a secure intranet web site.
Objective 2:
Ministries, Crown corporations and agencies, boards and commissions are publicly accountable to taxpayers both in the delivery of their programs and services and in fiscal management.
Measure 2003/04
Accountability framework for major Crown corporations. Actual: Shareholders' letters outlining accountability framework in place for major Crown corporations. Update and publish Shareholders' letters to major and mid-sized Crown agencies. Update and publish Shareholders' letters. Update and publish Shareholders' letters.
Governance framework in place for mid-sized Crown agencies as well as major Crown corporations. Actual: All major Crown corporations have contemporary governance frameworks in place. Contemporary governance framework expanded to mid-size Crown agencies. Governance guidelines are completed. Governance guidelines are reviewed and updated.
Core Business Area:
Crown Agencies Secretariat.
1. Ensure effective oversight of the system of Crown agencies in British Columbia.
2. Provide input on cross-Crown agency policy issues.
3. Host workshops on performance measurement for Crown corporations.
4. Host quarterly Chief Executive Officer forums for all Crown corporations to promote best practices.
Objective 3:
Crown Corporations, Agencies, Boards and Commissions have highly skilled leadership to enable good decision-making and improved service delivery.
Measure 2003/04
Timely recruitment of individuals for all agencies, boards and commissions. Estimate: 70 per cent of regular appointments processed 30 days before expiry date. 80 per cent of regular appointments are processed 30 days before expiry date. 90 per cent of regular appointments are processed 30 days before expiry date. 95 per cent of regular appointments are processed 30 days before expiry date.
Recruitment of individuals with appropriate skills for all agencies, boards and commissions. Estimate: 80 per cent of appointments follow Board Resourcing & Development Office (BRDO) guidelines. 90 per cent of appointments follow BRDO guidelines. 100 per cent of appointments follow BRDO guidelines. 100 per cent of appointments follow BRDO guidelines.
Board governance practices for Crown corporations and agencies. Actual: Corporate governance and tribunal governance guidelines have been developed and adopted. 100 per cent of Crown corporations and agencies report against governance guidelines; 30 per cent operate at standards that equal or exceed governance guidelines. 100 per cent of Crown corporations and agencies report against governance guidelines; 60 per cent operate at standards that equal or exceed governance guidelines. 100 per cent of Crown corporations and agencies report against governance guidelines; 75 per cent operate at standards that equal or exceed governance guidelines.
Core Business Area:
Board Resourcing and Development Office.
1. Provide timely recruitment for appointments of Directors to Crown corporations, agencies, boards and commissions.
2. Develop and implement policies that ensure all appointments to Crown corporations, agencies, boards and commissions are based on merit.
3. Develop and implement corporate governance guidelines.


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