Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and ResultsContinued

Goal 2: Strategic leadership of government focusing on results.

Objective 1:
Lead by example through high standards of accountability.
Measure 2003/04
Government produces overarching three-year rolling Strategic Plan. Actual: Strategic Plan updated with performance targets established for 80 per cent of objectives. Strategic Plan updated with performance targets established for 90 per cent of objectives. Strategic Plan updated with performance targets established for 100 per cent of objectives. Strategic Plan updated with performance targets established for 100 per cent of objectives.
External measurement of government's performance. Actual: Progress toward 2010 benchmarks tracked by Progress Board and publicly reported annually (December 2003). Progress toward 2010 benchmarks tracked by Progress Board and publicly reported annually. Progress toward 2010 benchmarks tracked by Progress Board and publicly reported annually. Progress toward 2010 benchmarks tracked by Progress Board and publicly reported annually.
Core Business Area:
Executive and Support Services.
1. All ministries participate in developing Government's Strategic Plan.
2. Government's Strategic Plan is tabled in the Legislature in February each year.
3. All ministries work towards achieving the benchmarks set by the Progress Board.
Objective 2:
Planning and performance measurement become an integral part of government.

Measure 2003/04
Ministries produce three-year rolling Service Plans. Actual: All ministry Service Plans were updated and tabled in the Legislature before start of fiscal year. All ministry Service Plans are updated and tabled in the Legislature before start of fiscal year. All ministry Service Plans are updated and tabled in the Legislature before start of fiscal year. All ministry Service Plans are updated and tabled in the Legislature before start of fiscal year.
All major Crown corporations produce Service Plans. Actual: 100 per cent of major Crown corporations' Service Plans were available for review by the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations. 100 per cent of major Crown corporations' Service Plans were available for review by the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations. 100 per cent of major Crown corporations' Service Plans were available for review by the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations. 100 per cent of major Crown corporations' Service Plans were available for review by the Select Standing Committee on Crown Corporations.
Ministries and Crown corporations report annually on progress against measurable targets. Actual: Government, all ministries and Crown corporations produced annual reports that measure progress against targets. Government, all ministries and Crown corporations produce annual reports that measure progress against targets. Government, all ministries and Crown corporations produce annual reports that measure progress against targets. Government, all ministries and Crown corporations produce annual reports that measure progress against targets.
Cabinet Committees, Government Caucus Committees and Deputy Minister Committees review public policy for alignment with government's strategic priorities. Actual: 100 per cent of public policy recommendations are aligned with government's Strategic Plan and ministry Service Plans. 100 per cent of public policy recommendations are aligned with government's Strategic Plan and ministry Service Plans. 100 per cent of public policy recommendations are aligned with government's Strategic Plan and ministry Service Plans. 100 per cent of public policy recommendations are aligned with government's Strategic Plan and ministry Service Plans.
Leadership for cross-ministry initiatives.

Target: Provide leadership for four high priority cross-ministry initiatives.

Actual: Leadership provided for four high priority cross-ministry initiatives:

• Public Service Renewal

• Federal Agenda

• Strategic framework for environment and land use

• Development and implementation of Government's Strategic Plan.

50 per cent of cross-ministry initiatives are in implementation stage. 100 per cent of cross-ministry initiatives are in implementation stage. Identify four new cross-ministry initiatives.
Core Business Area:
Executive and Support Services / Crown Agencies Secretariat.
1. Support the development of ministry Service Plans.
2. Crown Agencies Secretariat works with Crown agencies to strengthen their knowledge of service planning and development of service plan reports.
3. All ministries participate in developing Government's Strategic Plan.
4. Government's Strategic Plan will be tabled in the Legislature in February each year.
5. Require performance reporting of all government agencies.
6. Require ministries to identify and implement high priority cross-ministry services and programs.
Objective 3:
British Columbia's interests are advanced at the federal, provincial and international levels.

Measure 2003/04
Implement strategies to achieve government's inter-governmental priorities.

Actual: Focused on British Columbia's most significant priorities, including:

• 2010 Olympic Bid

• Softwood Worker and Community Assistance

• Increased health care funding from federal government

• Regulatory harmonization.

Progress on British Columbia's priorities reflected in outcomes of key intergovernmental discussions.

Strategies updated and implemented.

Progress on British Columbia's priorities reflected in outcomes of key intergovernmental discussions.

Strategies updated and implemented.

Progress on British Columbia's priorities reflected in outcomes of key intergovernmental discussions.

Strategies updated and implemented.

Core Business Area:
Intergovernmental Relations Secretariat.
1. Coordinate federal/provincial and international issues to ensure focus on priority issues.
2. Implement Pacific Northwest neighbouring states strategy, Asia-Pacific action plan and other regional approaches.
3. Work with federal ministers to improve the level of federal investment in British Columbia.


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