Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and ResultsContinued

Goal 1: Government is focused on its core responsibilities and commitments.

Objective 1:
New Era commitments are fulfilled by 2005/06.
Measure 2003/04
Implementation of New Era commitments.

Target: 65 per cent implemented.

Actual: 95 per cent implemented as of December 2003.

100 per cent implemented.

(Revised from last year as 2004/05 target of 80 per cent exceeded in 2003/04).

Performance plans detail New Era accountabilities. Actual: 100 per cent of Minister and Deputy Minister performance plans detail New Era accountabilities. 100 per cent 100 per cent TBD
Core Business Area:
Executive and Support Services.
1. Deputy Minister performance-based pay and Ministers' salary holdback will be linked to the successful implementation of their New Era commitments.
2. Ensure clarity in lead roles for achieving New Era commitments and monitor progress.
Objective 2:
Government resources are focused on core roles and responsibilities.
Measure 2003/04
Ministry budgets aligned with government's strategic priorities. Actual: 100 per cent of ministry budgets reviewed by Government Caucus Committees for alignment with priorities. 100 per cent 100 per cent 100 per cent
Government meets its budget targets. Estimate: Each ministry operated within its assigned budget. Each ministry operates within its assigned budget. Each ministry operates within its assigned budget. Each ministry operates within its assigned budget.
Implementation of new ministry mandates (known as Core Services Review) to focus resources on priority areas.

Target: 66 per cent of mandate shifts implemented.

Actual: 70 per cent implementation.

90 per cent of mandate shifts implemented. 100 per cent of mandate shifts implemented. Ongoing review.
Implementation of Crown corporations and Agency, Board and Commissions (ABC) Core Services Review shifts.

Target: 90 per cent of Crown corporations and ABC core reviews completed.

Actual: 100 per cent of Crown corporations and ABC core reviews completed; 75 per cent of shifts implemented.

100 per cent of Crown corporations and ABC core review shifts implemented. Major crown corporations initiate new mandate review cycle. Ongoing review.

Target: Eliminate appointments to 40 per cent of ABCs from base of 730.

Actual: Appointments eliminated to 480 ABCs (decrease of 65.8 per cent).

Eliminate appointments to 50 per cent of ABCs from base of 730.

(Achieved in 2003/04).

Core Business Area:
Executive and Support Services / Crown Agency Secretariat (CAS) / Board Resourcing and Development Office (BRDO).
1. Align government structures with the strategic direction of government (i.e., Government Caucus Committees, Cabinet and Deputy Minister Committees).
2. Government Caucus Committees review all ministry service plans and budgets to ensure alignment with government priorities.
3. Deputy Ministers' performance-based pay and Ministers' salary holdback will be linked to achievement of their budget.
4. Ensure all ministry service plans reflect the mandate shifts arising from Core Services Review.
5. Complete implementation of the Core Services Review outcomes for all government agencies.
6. Complete wind-up of discontinued Crown agencies.


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