Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and ResultsContinued



1. High Quality Patient Care

2: Improved Health and Wellness for British Columbians

Objective 1: Direction Government's strategic direction is clearly defined and communicated and guides service delivery. Objective 2: Support Supports are in place to facilitate the achievement of strategic priorities, and barriers to change have been removed. Objective 3: Monitoring, Evaluation and Course Correction Delivered services meet public needs and are sustainable.
MOHS Strategy 1: Translate health care needs into clear strategic direction and measurable expectations that will guide operational management and delivery of health services.

MOHS Strategy 2: Facilitate the delivery of health services by partners through the development and use of best practice guidelines, standards and protocols.

MOHS Strategy 3: Protect public health by articulating expectations for core public health prevention and protection activities, including standards for their delivery.

MOHS Strategy 4: Enhance the quality and accountability of self-regulated health care professionals in British Columbia by developing a regulatory framework to support and guide their work.

MOHS Strategy 5: Develop coordinated system-wide approaches for responding to major public health risks and epidemics (e.g., SARS, West Nile, influenza, meningitis and obesity).

MOHS — Performance Measure 1: (Relates to Strategy 1) Mid- and long-term direction setting plans for the health sector completed.

Target 03/04: Health system directional plan developed and service plan aligned with directional plan

Target 04/05: Health system directional plan published; implementation of strategies in progress

Target 05/06: Plans, planning processes and implementation assessed; planning cycle updated

Target 06/07: Completed

MOHS — Performance Measure 2: (Relates to Strategy 1) Health authorities' ratings of the clarity, timeliness and usefulness of government direction in guiding service delivery.

Target 03/04: Develop process and survey tool

Target 04/05: Implement surveys to determine baseline data, and set targets

Target 05/06: TBD

Target 06/07: TBD

MOHS — Performance Measure 3: (Relates to Strategy 2) Strategic clinical practice guidelines/standards in priority areas developed and implemented.

Baseline 02/03: 7 guidelines approved

Target 03/04: Develop guidelines for palliative care, post-stay acute care, assisted living, hypertension, asthma, and depression

Target 04/05: Develop guidelines for rheumatoid arthritis and chronic obstructive lung disease

Target 05/06: Further progress on unfinished guidelines and new clinical guidelines developed as resources permit

Target 06/07: New clinical guidelines developed as resources permit

MOHS — Performance Measure 4: (Relates to Strategy 3) Priority programs developed for prevention and protection.

Target 03/04: Core programs delivery expectations and performance measures developed

Target 04/05: Development of accountability framework completed to ensure health authorities meet core program requirements such as: 1) Provincial policy 2) Provincial standards 3) Performance agreement expectations

Target 05/06: Completed

Target 06/07: Completed

MOHS — Performance Measure 5: (Relates to Strategy 4) Improved governance and accountability framework developed for the health professions.

Target 03/04: Health Professions Act amended to clarify accountability and governance expectations for all colleges

Target 04/05: "Reserved Actions" model implemented and updating scope of practice regulations underway

Target 05/06: Updating scope of practice regulations complete

Target 06/07: Enhanced accountability measures in place to improve college performance


Stewardship (continued)


1. High Quality Patient Care

2: Improved Health and Wellness for British Columbians

Objective 1: Direction Government's strategic direction is clearly defined and communicated and guides service delivery. Objective 2: Support Supports are in place to facilitate the achievement of strategic priorities, and barriers to change have been removed. Objective 3: Monitoring, Evaluation and Course Correction Delivered services meet public needs and are sustainable.

MOHS Strategy 6: Make data accessible, with due attention to quality, security and privacy protection, to support evidence-based planning of patient care and clinical decision making by partners (e.g. Electronic Health Record; CDM registries; inter-provincial/national data collection standards and registries).

MOHS Strategy 7: Provide legislative, regulatory and policy frameworks to ensure policy direction is clear and consistent and allows services to be delivered appropriately and cost-effectively.

MOHS Strategy 8: Ensure the health care system has the capacity to meet the population's health needs by developing provincial plans for the supply and effective use of health care professionals, facilities and infrastructure.

MOHS Strategy 9: Support health research and create opportunities for health partners to share knowledge and best practices to facilitate continuous improvement in service delivery.

MOHS — Performance Measure 6: (Relates to Strategy 6) Health authorities' ratings of data availability and usefulness in supporting planning and service delivery.

Target 03/04: Develop process and survey tool

Target 04/05: Implement surveys and set targets

Target 05/06: TBD

Target 06/07: TBD

MOHS — Performance Measure 7: (Relates to Strategy 7) Percentage of regulatory requirements reduced.3

Baseline 01/02: 10,758 regulations

Actual 02/03: 4% reduction in regulations

Target 03/04: Further 2% reduction in regulations

Target 04/05: Further 14% reduction in regulations

Target 05/06: Completed

Target 06/07: Completed

MOHS — Performance Measure #8: (Relates to Strategy 8) Health Human Resource, IT and Capital plans developed.

a) Health Human Resource plan developed.

Target 03/04: Health Human Resource Plan designed and consultations completed

Target 04/05: Monitoring process developed. Implementation of strategies for completed long-term plans in progress, and updated based on new data

Target 05/06: Plans assessed against direction-setting documents, and refreshed

Target 06/07: Health Human Resource Plan updated to reflect population health trends. All health authorities submitting health human resource implementation plans. Status update on increases in health profession graduates. Health human resource supply and demand analysis updated

b) IT plans developed.

Target 03/04: Technology plans developed

Target 04/05: Monitoring process developed. Implementation of strategies for completed long-term plans in progress, and updated based on new data

Target 05/06: Plans assessed against direction-setting documents, and refreshed

Target 06/07: Report on implementation results based on plans

c) Capital plan developed.

Target 03/04: Capital plan developed

Target 04/05: Plan updated

Target 05/06: Plan updated

Target 06/07: Plan updated

3   Deregulation targets have been restated to reflect the ministry's updated legislative plan.


Stewardship (continued)


1. High Quality Patient Care

2. Improved Health and Wellness for British Columbians

3. A Sustainable, Affordable Health Care System

Objective 1: Direction Government's strategic direction is clearly defined and communicated and guides service delivery. Objective 2: Support Supports are in place to facilitate the achievement of strategic priorities, and barriers to change have been removed. Objective 3: Monitoring, Evaluation and Course Correction Delivered services meet public needs and are sustainable.

MOHS Strategy 10: Develop an effective monitoring and evaluation framework for services provided by health authorities and other system partners (e.g., health professions).

MOHS Strategy 11: Monitor financial status to ensure overall health system costs stay within budget.

MOHS Strategy 12: Monitor and report publicly on the health of the British Columbia population.

MOHS — Performance Measure 9: (Relates to Strategy 10) Health authority performance agreements signed.

Target 03/04: 6/6 HAs will be in compliance

Target 04/05: Performance agreements signed by all health authorities by May 31, 2004

Target 05/06: Performance agreements signed by all health authorities by May 31, 2005

Target 06/07: Performance agreements signed by all health authorities by May 31, 2006

MOHS — Performance Measure 10: (Relates to Strategy 11) Overall health system financial status (actual expenses compared to budgeted expenses at year end).

Baseline 02/03: Under budget by $26.5 million

Target 03/04: Expenses do not exceed budget

Target 04/05: Expenses do not exceed budget

Target 05/06: Expenses do not exceed budget

Target 06/07: Expenses do not exceed budget

MOHS — Performance Measure 11: (Relates to Strategy 12) Report annually on population health status or a significant health issue.

Target 03/04: Annual report produced (topic: Aboriginal health and well-being)

Target 04/05: Annual report produced (topic: air quality)

Target 05/06: Annual report produced (topic: food, nutrition and health)

Target 06/07: Annual report produced (topic: to be determined)


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