Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and ResultsContinued

Core Business: Services Delivered by Ministry.


1. High Quality Patient Care

3. A Sustainable, Affordable Health Care System

Objective 5: Provide clients with equitable and timely access to services directly delivered by the ministry.
Priority Strategy 14: Better Integrate the B.C. Ambulance Service within the Overall Health Services System: Review the ambulance service to ensure it is governed, managed and delivered by the most appropriate means and most appropriate providers to meet the needs of British Columbians.

PS — Performance Measure 20: Ambulance service response rates.

The majority of metropolitan Emergency Medical Services in Canada have adopted a response time goal of less than 9 minutes, 90 per cent of the time. The measure provides insight as to whether the ambulance service is performing its principal responsibility well — responding to sudden, acute care needs as quickly as possible.

Long-term (5-7 years) target: Ambulance response times to the most urgent cases in metropolitan settings, less than 9 minutes, 90% of the time

Baseline 02/03: 60.5% at 9 minutes

Target 03/04: 5% increase over prior year toward long-term target

Target 04/05: 5% increase over prior year toward long-term target

Target 05/06: 5% increase over prior year toward long-term target

Target 06/07: 5% increase over prior year toward long-term target

Priority Strategy 15: Improve Registration Services to the Public: Review the MSP and PharmaCare registration criteria and processes to ensure they provide appropriate and timely services to British Columbians and are managed and delivered by the most appropriate and efficient means.

PS — Performance Measure 21: Percentage of the population adequately insured against catastrophic prescription drug costs.

B.C.'s Fair PharmaCare is an optional program providing insurance for prescription drugs based on family income.

Baseline 02/03: N/A

Target 03/04: 65% of the population registered for Fair PharmaCare

Target 04/05: 73%

Target 05/06: 75%

Target 06/07: Maintain 75% level

PS — Performance Measure 22: Turnaround times for MSP/PharmaCare (beneficiary) services to the public.

Both measures capture MSP's and PharmaCare's efficiency in processing applications.

a. Enrolment applications

Baseline 02/03: 16 weeks turnaround time

Target 03/04: 8 weeks turnaround time

Target 04/05: 6 weeks turnaround time

Target 05/06: 4 weeks turnaround time

Target 06/07: 4 weeks turnaround time

b. Premium assistance applications

Baseline 02/03: 12 weeks turnaround time

Target 03/04: 6 weeks turnaround time

Target 04/05: 4 weeks turnaround time

Target 05/06: 4 weeks turnaround time

Target 06/07: 4 weeks turnaround time

Priority Strategy 16: Provide Timely, High-Quality Vital Statistics Services to the Public: Pilot an electronic service for the registration of births and deaths; maintain customer satisfaction levels while implementing nationally mandated identification security measures; and improve direct electronic access to users of vital event health-related information products from the VISTA data warehouse to support health planning and surveillance activities.
PS — Performance Measure 23: Vital Statistics registration turnaround times.

Target 03/04: 40 days from date of event to complete registration for 90% of events reported

Target 04/05: 35 days from date of event to complete registration for 90% of events reported

Target 05/06: 35 days from date of event to complete registration for 90% of events reported

Target 06/07: 35 days from date of event to complete registration for 90% of events reported

PS — Performance Measure 24: Customer and client (e.g., doctors, nurses, etc.) satisfaction rates (courtesy, helpfulness, promptness).

Target 03/04: 96% of customer satisfaction responses are satisfactory or better

Target 04/05: 96% of customer satisfaction responses are satisfactory or better

Target 05/06: 96% of customer satisfaction responses are satisfactory or better

Target 06/07: 96% of customer satisfaction responses are satisfactory or better

PS — Performance Measure 25: Expanded scope of clients having direct access to Vital Statistics VISTA data warehouse.

Target 03/04: Electronic access to VISTA provided to primary users within the Ministry of Health Services

Target 04/05: Electronic access to VISTA provided to Medical Health Officers, health authorities, and primary users at other ministries

Target 05/06: Electronic access to VISTA provided to health focused research groups within hospitals and universities

Target 06/07: Completed


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