Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and ResultsContinued

Core Business: Services Delivered by Partners (continued).

Goal 2: Improved Health and Wellness for British Columbians
Objective 1: Provide care at the appropriate level in the appropriate setting by shifting the mix of acute/institutional care to more home/community care. Objective 2: Provide tailored care for key segments of the population to better address their specific health care needs and improve their quality of life. Objective 3: Keep people as healthy as possible by preventing disease, illness and disability and slowing the progression of chronic illness to minimize suffering and reduce care costs in the future. Objective 4: Manage within the available budget while meeting the priority needs of the population.
Priority Strategy 10: Enhancing Self-Care and Self-Management: Support individuals' self-management efforts to help healthy people stay healthy and allow people with chronic conditions to better manage their condition.

PS — Performance Measure 15: Improve patients' ability to self-manage their chronic diseases measured by their use of evidence-based self-management techniques: For 2004/05, we will report on the percentage of patients with diabetes who undergo at least two HbA1C tests per year.1

Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases. It affects about five per cent of British Columbians and is steadily increasing in prevalence. By taking two HbA1C tests per year, patients can be aware of abnormalities faster, and drop their complication rates. This means a healthier life for the patient and a reduced impact on the health system.

Baseline 02/03: 36% of diabetes patients took two HbA1C tests

Target 03/04: 40%

Target 04/05: 45%

Target 05/06: 50%

Target 06/07: 55%

1   Targets for this measure have been adjusted downward from the targets in the 2003/04 Service Plan due to a delay in implementing the chronic disease management guidelines. Chronic disease management programs are now underway and the targets have been reset to reflect the delayed implementation.
Priority Strategy 11: Protection from Disease or Injury: Protect public health by implementing core public health prevention and protection programs (e.g., food and water safety programs, immunization programs, falls).

PS — Performance Measure 16: Immunization rates.

Immunization programs for children are among the most cost-effective ways to improve health status and reduce health care costs.

a. Two-year olds with up-to-date immunizations

Baseline 02/03: 81.1%

Target 03/04: 83%

Target 04/05: 85%

Target 05/06: 85%

Target 06/07: 86%

Influenza is a major cause of illness, hospitalization and death among older adults. Annual influenza vaccination reduces the risk of disease and may lessen the severity of illness.

b. Influenza immunization for residents of care facilities.2

Baseline 02/03: 85.4%

Target 03/04: Maintain above 85%

Target 04/05: Maintain above 85%

Target 05/06: Maintain above 85%

Target 06/07: Maintain above 85%

2   This measure has changed from "influenza vaccination, population age 65 and over" to "influenza immunization for residents of care facilities" to focus attention on populations at high risk of suffering complications from influenza.


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