PS — Performance Measure 7:
Improved continuity of care measured by the proportion
of persons (aged 15 to 64) hospitalized for a mental
health diagnosis who receive community or physician
follow-up within 30 days of discharge.
A high rate of community or physician follow-up reduces
the chances that a mental health client will suffer
a relapse and have to be readmitted to hospital.
Baseline 02/03: 72.3% of discharged mental
health patients get follow-up in 30 days
Target 03/04: Increase over prior year
Target 04/05: Increase over prior year
Target 05/06: Increase over prior year
Target 06/07: Increase over prior year
PS — Performance Measure 8: Improved
availability of community services measured by: Percentage
of days spent by mental health patients (aged 15 to
64) in hospital after the need for hospital care ends.
This measure is the same as the previous ALC measure
(PS – PM3), but focuses on people who are hospitalized
for a mental health diagnosis.
Baseline 02/03: 3.1% of mental health inpatient
days are ALC
Target 03/04: 2% reduction over prior year
Target 04/05: 2% reduction over prior year
Target 05/06: TBD, based on new assessment
Target 06/07: TBD, based on new assessment
PS — Performance Measure 9: Proportion
of mental health services (community, physician and
acute care) received by mental health clients (aged
15 to 64) that are obtained in their own health authority.
This measure indicates the extent to which mental
health clients can be treated in their own communities
or regional health authorities. This reduces travel
and distance burden on patients and their families.
A longer term (5–7 years) target of 87% has
been set for this measure.
Baseline 02/03: 84.5% of mental health services
are obtained in each client's health authority
Target 03/04: Increase over prior year towards
long-term target of 87%
Target 04/05: Increase over prior year towards
long-term target of 87%
Target 05/06: Increase over prior year towards
long-term target of 87%
Target 06/07: Increase over prior year towards
long term target of 87%