Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Results — Continued
Goal 3: Effective and Responsive Forest Manager.
The Forest Service is on track to revitalize ourselves as the stewards
of the province's forest resources. While undertaking the many challenges
and opportunities involved in this endeavor, we will bear in mind
that our core purpose is to ensure that sustainable forest resources
deliver sustainable forest benefits for the people of British Columbia.
The effectiveness of our organization is dependent upon highly trained
and knowledgeable staff who will continue to be responsive and performance-focused.
- Key Outcome Indicator:
- Public Trust in the BC Forest Service.
Indicator |
2003/04 Estimated Actual |
2004/05 Projection |
2005/06 Projection |
2006/07 Projection |
Percentage of those surveyed who believe the forest service
can be trusted to protect and manage our public forests. |
Not measured this year |
>60% |
Not measured this year |
>60% |
Public trust is measured in a telephone survey done by BC Stats,
every two years. It is attributed to values, knowledge, and experience
of the forest sector and BCFS. The baseline was 60 per cent
in 2002/03.
- Key Outcome Indicator:
- Effective Administration of the Forest Investment sub-vote
Indicator |
Actual |
2004/05 Projection |
2005/06 Projection |
2006/07 Projection |
Third party administrator performance targets achieved. |
N/A |
95% |
95% |
95% |
This is new measure in 2004/05. The percentage is based on the
number of performance targets developed by FI third party administrators
(PwC, FBCWA, FII), that are achieved within 85 per cent.
- Core Business Area:
- Executive and Support Services.
- Objective 1:
- Establish ministry policy and planning frameworks to meet
government's strategic plan and direction.
- Strategies:
- 1. Implement policy and planning frameworks. In 2004/05 policy
and planning frameworks will be established.
- 2. Provide legislative support to the other core businesses
who will be implementing the Forest Revitalization Plan and the
Forest and Range Practices Act; continuing the deregulation
initiative; and, addressing any critical operational issues.
- 3. Review and implement an Enterprise Risk Management framework
for the Ministry of Forests.
Measure |
2003/04 Estimated Actual |
Target |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
Delivery of the Ministry's legislation program. |
7 + legislative milestones |
• Implement Forest and Range Practices Act
and Regulations.
• Implement Forest Revitalization legislation.
• Ongoing Deregulation.
• Update Range Act.
To be determined |
To be determined |
This measure has been revised from the number of legislative milestones
achieved to more accurately describe the work done in the legislation
program within the ministry. Ten legislative milestones were delivered
in 2002/03.
The Forest Revitalization Act can be reviewed online at:
The Forest and Range Practices Act and Regulations are at:
- Objective 2:
- Be a high performing organization.
- Strategies:
- 1. Refine ministry business processes and practices to meet
the highest standards of efficiency and effectiveness.
- • The functions of finance, human resources and
information management will continue to be consolidated both
within the ministry and across government as part of the Shared
Services Initiative. This change, including increased use
of technology, will result in more consistency in business
- 2. Implement a culture of being a continually learning organization.
- 3. Develop a client service strategy.
- 4. Maximize the benefits derived from the application of
technology to ministry business — Implement Portal/eBC.
Measure |
Actual |
2004/05 Target |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
Increase in the number of major client services available
electronically. |
3 |
4 |
2 |
2 |
Electronic services are those provided to external clients via
an internet link. The baseline in 2003/04 was a total of three client
services available electronically. These were the automated transmission
of appraisal data from licensees (ECAS), the automation of seed
requests from the tree seed center (SPAR), and the automation of
billing inputs in the Harvest Billing System (HBS).
The 4 client services to be added in 2004/05 are: The Electronic
Submission Framework (ESF), RESULTS (the Reporting Silviculture
Updates and Landstatus Tracking System), the Corporate Reporting
System (CRS) and the Seed Planning Web Mapping System (Seedmap).
- Core Business Area:
- Forest Investment.
Under Goal 3, the Forest Investment Core Business of the Ministry
of Forests addresses overall administration of the Forest Investment
sub-vote and agreements with Third Party Administrators. This includes:
- implementing recommendations of the Forest Investment Council;
- coordinating and monitoring service agreements with all third
party administrators;
- implementing program delivery processes; maintaining and administering
eligibility criteria and standards for all ministry FI activities;
- managing storage and availability of deliverables generated
by FI activities; and
- evaluating efficacy of the programs to meet FI and ministry
- Objective 1:
- Ongoing improvement to the effectiveness and efficiency
of FI delivery.
- Strategies:
- 1. Administer and fund the Defined Forest Area Management (DFAM)
forest health and timber supply review activities through a second
transition year.
- 2. Shift administration of the Research program from FII Ltd.
to a new administrator.
- 3. Effective process for the review and award of research proposals.
- 4. Review and evaluate FI program activities to maximize the
efficacy of the deliverables in meeting FI and ministry objectives.
- 5. Improve the delivery model through ongoing consultation with
Measure |
2003/04 Estimated Actual |
Target |
2005/06 Target |
Target |
Regular evaluation of value gained from FI investments. |
N/A |
Value for money audit by OCG |
N/A |
Value for money audit by OCG |
This audit will be carried out by the Office of the Comptroller
General, Internal Audit and Advisory Services, every two years.
Measure |
Actual |
2004/05 Target |
2005/06 Target |
Target |
Per cent of FI activity standards evaluated. |
30% |
60% |
100% |
To be determined |
This is based on the evaluation of all standards administered by
the Ministry of Forests, over a three-year period commencing in