Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Appendix 1Continued

Goal 1: A Strong and Vibrant Provincial Economy.

Objective: BC will have a prosperous economy.
Overall Strategy: Innovation and Economic Growth.
Provincial Strategies Ministry of Forests Strategies Achievement in
2004/05 – 2006/07
Service Plan
Develop and implement a long term economic development strategy.

Implement a market —based pricing system.

Develop and implement new International marketing initiatives.

• Government decisions on direction and legislation.

• Establishment of international marketing initiative under Forest Investment Account.

• Implement market-based pricing system.

• Increase market share of BC wood products to Taiwan, China and Korea.

Generate significant ongoing revenues to the province from BC's natural resources. Ensure that the public receives fair value for the use of its forest and range resources now and in the future. The Ministry of Forests Revenue billing contributed an estimated $0.982 Billion to the Consolidated Revenue Fund. The Ministry of Forests Revenue billing is expected to contribute an estimated $0.962 Billion to the Consolidated Revenue Fund in 2004/05.
Expand partnerships with the federal government to promote growth and economic development in BC. Work with the federal government towards effective resolution of the Softwood Lumber dispute. Ongoing. Ongoing.
Continue to streamline government's legislation and regulation. Continue evaluation and ongoing improvement of forest legislation.

• Reduction by 23% in 2003/04.

• Three effectiveness evaluations of legislation completed.

• 33% reduction target achieved by April 2005.

• Three effectiveness evaluations of legislation to be completed.

Objective: Government will be affordable and fiscally responsible.
Overall Strategy: Management of Government.
All ministries will meet their budget and service plan targets. Continued integration of financial and performance management in the ministry.

• 79% of performance measures projected to be achieved.

• Budget targets projected to be achieved

• 95% of performance measure targets to be achieved.

• Budget targets to be achieved.

Establish public-private partnerships or other alternative service delivery arrangements for capital infrastructure and program delivery. New partnerships with forest industry to invest in timber supply analysis, research, forest health and fire protection. Legislation requirements in place for timber supply, forest health and fire protection. Implementation of legislative requirements begins.
  Establishment of partnerships with the private sector for management of Recreation infrastructure. 104 partnerships established to manage Recreation sites or trails. Ongoing partnerships to manage majority of recreation infrastructure.
  Nurseries to be privatized and seed orchards offered for lease.

• One nursery privatized in 2002/03.

• Seed Orchards were offered for lease but there were no offers.

One nursery and six seed orchards will continue to be operated by the Ministry of Forests.


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