Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and ResultsContinued

Goal 2: A high quality performance-oriented education system.

Access to quality education for all students.
Learning choices for parents and students.
Core Business Areas:
Public Schools, Independent Schools, Executive and Support Services.
Objectives and Strategies
Performance Measures
2003/04 Base1 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target 2006/07 Target
Objective 1:

Parents are empowered to become more involved in the
K-12 education system.


1. Provide more opportunities
for parents to contribute to
their child's learning, such as School Planning Councils and the Parent Learning Centre.

2. Provide information for
parents, Achieve BC Web
site and "Helping Your Child Learn" booklets.

play a
role in
  The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial, district and school level.
Elementary 63%
Secondary 48%
Percentage of public school parents satisfied with their child's school and education.   The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial, district and school level.
Elementary 71%
Secondary 56%

1   Base measures are provincial rates. These data are for the 2002/03 school year.
2   Satisfaction Survey participation rates: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/sat_survey/


Access to quality education for all students.
Learning choices for parents and students.
Core Business Areas:
Public Schools, Independent Schools, Executive and Support Services.

Objectives and Strategies Performance Measures 2003/04 Base1 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target 2006/07 Target
Objective 2:

An environment of choice and flexibility exists in the K-12 education system.


1. Provide student achievement and satisfaction data results to parents and students.

2. Monitor implementation of legislation related to increased choice and flexibility.

3. Maintain alternatives to the public system that meet provincial standards by providing certification, funding and conducting inspections/visits.

Percentage of
public school
parents and
students reporting
satisfaction with
program choices
available to them.2
  The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial and school district level.
Elementary Parents 69%
Secondary Parents 59%
Students (Grades 10 and 12 were asked.) 46%
Percentage of qualifying independent schools that received funding.

Measure indicates the percentage of schools that meet provincial legislated requirements.

100% 100% 100% 100%
Objective 3:

An environment exists that supports quality teaching for quality learning in public schools.


1. Provide support for the development and implementation of a program assisting principals in more effectively supervising student learning in classrooms.

Percentage of (public school) Principals and Vice Principals Association members who report spending over 90 minutes per week supervising learning in the classroom.

Time spent supervising learning in the classroom indicates support for quality teaching.

31% The target is year-over-year improvement at the provincial, district and school level.

1   Base measures are provincial rates. These data are for the 2002/03 school year.
2   Satisfaction Survey participation rates: www.bced.gov.bc.ca/sat_survey/


Increased efficiency and effectiveness throughout the system.
Core Business Areas:
Public Schools, Independent Schools, Executive and Support Services, Management Services, Debt Service and Amortization.
Objectives and Strategies Performance Measures 2003/04 Base 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target 2006/07 Target
Objective 4:

Increased school board autonomy through de-regulation and streamlining processes while creating an environment of accountability.


1. Administer a portion of Satisfaction Surveys online.

2. Reduce unnecessary administrative procedures and paperwork.

3. Increase flexibility of boards to plan by providing rolling three-year funding.

4. Require boards to submit annual accountability contracts.

satisfaction surveys administered online.
24% Year-over-year increase until 100% of surveys are administered online.
Proportion of the acts, regulations, policies and policy instruments reviewed, eliminated and/or modified. Additional 8%

(in addition to 12% in 2002/03).

Additional 3%

(in addition to the 20% in 02/03 –  03/04).

Maintain the agreed to 23% targeted reduction in regulation count.  
Funding envelopes allocated to school boards on time. 100% 100% 100% 100%
5. Introduce a more formal approach to managing risk. Consultation for and pilot of implementation of a ministry-wide risk management plan. Consultation year Plan developed Phase 1 pilot — executive Phase 2 pilot — managers


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