Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and ResultsContinued

Summary Overview of Ministry of Children and Family Development Service Plan Goals, Objectives and Strategies.


Adults with developmental disabilities and children and youth with special needs achieve their full potential, participate in, and contribute to their communities.
Budget: $609,573,000
FTEs: 455
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Community Living Services
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OBJECTIVES Objective 1.1: Increase choice and flexibility for individuals and families.

Objective 1.2: Strengthen evidence-based early intervention and support strategies, to assist families in caring for children with special needs at home. Objective 1.3: Transform community living services to achieve a sustainable, accessible and integrated system.

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STRATEGIES • Conduct regular analyses of the satisfaction of individuals served with the services they receive or have received.

• Continue to provide a broader range of options for the use of individualized/direct funding for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

• Enhance access to appropriate interventions for children and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder through inter-Ministry planning and collaboration.

• Provide a range of funding options, including individualized/direct funding (IF/DF), to maximize choice, innovation and shared responsibility.

• Improve transition planning at key developmental milestones.

• Provide evidence-based services and improve access to information about these services, to prevent children and youth with special needs from coming into care.

• Support CLBC's efforts to strengthen partnerships within the community living sector through: joint planning on service transformation; creating opportunities to increase collaboration between the non-profit and private service providers, and; supporting efforts to generate efficiencies through sharing of fiscal, physical and human resources.

• In partnership with individuals and families, provide more flexibility, choice, and shared responsibility with respect to services and supports.

• Support the increased use of informal, unfunded community supports and partnerships to reduce reliance on formal, funded resources.


GOAL 2 Children and youth are healthy and safe in their families and communities.
Budget: $661,722,000 (CFD) and $94,028,000 (Provincial Services)
FTEs: 2,641 (CFD) and 711 (Provincial Services)
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Child and Family Development
Provincial Services
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OBJECTIVES Objective 2.1:
Increase family and community capacity to exercise responsibility and support early childhood development that is informed by current research and evidence.
Objective 2.2:
Transform child welfare practice to be increasingly evidence-based, such that it promotes safety, family continuity, and permanency for children.
Objective 2.3:
A compre-hensive service delivery network based on the needs of children and their families.
Objective 2.4:
Increase culturally appropriate services delivered by Aboriginal communities for their children and families.
Objective 2.5:
Increase the sustainability and responsiveness of the service delivery system to specific child and youth populations.
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STRATEGIES • Promote community-based prevention and intervention strategies regarding the risks of alcohol consumption during pregnancy to prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and to promote innovative approaches to assist communities to support individuals and families living with FASD.

• Transform Government's response to child welfare concerns.

• Reshape case planning to rely more on Alternative Dispute Resolution processes.

• Redesign services to ensure that families, children and youth can directly access services in their community, from a well-defined network of effective and culturally appropriate services that focus on evidence-based programming.

• Implement initiatives to increase the role of the Aboriginal community in addressing risks to keep children within their family and community.

• Enhance partnerships with Aboriginal communities.

• Increase the availability and quality of mental health services by implementing the multi-year Child and Youth Mental Health Plan.

• Minimize youth involvement in the criminal justice system through treatment and alternatives to custody.


• Develop a prevention focused, community-based, integrated service delivery system for young children and their families that improves outcomes and strengthens partnerships with the private/non-profit and community sectors to broaden community involvement, maximize existing community resources and capacity for Early Childhood Development.

• Support Aboriginal communities to develop and implement early childhood development strategies.

• Refocus supports to children with special needs in child care and community settings to be more integrated and flexible in response to parent needs and work to eliminate the wait lists for existing supported child care services for children up to six years of age.

• Transform planning for children in care to focus more on developing and maintaining family stability and life long relationships.

• Create partnerships involving other Ministries, service providers, informal supports and ministry staff throughout the province, through collaborative service initiatives.

• Reinvest savings into direct family development and youth services, with priority given to Aboriginal services.

• Implement initiatives to increase the percentage of Aboriginal children in care served by delegated agencies or cared for by Aboriginal families.

• Engage with other ministries/
governments to improve the socio-economic well-being of Aboriginal children and families.

• Develop and implement safe care services for sexually exploited youth.



A community-based service delivery system that is effectively supported and monitored.
Budget: $16,245,000
FTEs: 176
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Executive and Support Services
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OBJECTIVES Objective 3.1: Implement regional and provincial governance approaches that include appropriate accountability mechanisms. Objective 3.2: Support government and ministry priorities.

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• Implement a comprehensive plan to ensure a smooth and orderly transition to new authorities, including establishing a Governance Management Team that will build key relationships and a co-ordination capacity.

• Enable and support ministry staff, interim authority boards and regional transition councils to prepare for readiness to effectively fulfill their proposed new roles and responsibilities.

• Develop and implement an accountability framework for the authorities.

• Implement a comprehensive human resource plan to manage and support staff through the transformation of the ministry's service delivery system.

• Demonstrate commitment to controlling regulatory burden and regulatory quality through compliance with the Regulatory Reform Criteria set out in the Regulatory Reform Policy.

• Implement a comprehensive Internal Stakeholders Relations Plan.

• Amend existing, or create new, legislation as required to support ministry's requirements.

• Implement an integrated approach to risk management throughout the ministry.

• Improve MCFD's service delivery procurement method from the current practice of funding inputs and facilities to an outputs/outcomes method for paying the actual cost per unit of client services provided.

• Implement a comprehensive accountability and performance management system.


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