Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and ResultsContinued

Goal 3: A community-based service delivery system that is effectively supported and monitored.

Core Business Area:
Executive and Support Services.
We believe that adults with developmental disabilities, children, youth and their families are best supported in the context of a community-based service delivery system. The ministry remains committed to alternative governance approaches that will bring decisions making regarding services closer to the communities using those services, to better meet their needs. The ministry will build partnerships with interim authorities, communities, and service providers to ensure there is a smooth transition to community governance. We recognize, however, that the demand for services is increasing, while fiscal realities limit the budget available for these important services. We therefore see our goal as creating a system that is sustainable, but also accountable to those who require the services and to the broader public who fund those services.
Objective 3.1:
Implement regional and provincial governance approaches that include appropriate accountability mechanisms.
Performance Measure 2003/04
Number of authorities established. Interim authority for Community Living Services established.

Permanent authority for Community Living Services established, based on readiness. Regional authorities established incrementally based on readiness. Regional authorities established incrementally based on readiness.

1. Implement a comprehensive plan to ensure a smooth and orderly transition to new authorities, including establishing a Governance Management Team that will build key relationships and a co-ordination capacity.
2. Enable and support ministry staff, interim authority boards and regional transition councils to prepare for readiness to effectively fulfill their proposed new roles and responsibilities.
3. Develop and implement an accountability framework for the authorities.
Objective 3.2:
Support government and ministry priorities.
Performance Measures 2003/04
Reduce the ministry's regulatory burden by 40% 30% reduction from baseline

(June 2001)

40% reduction from baseline by
June 30, 2004
Maintain 04/05 level Maintain 04/05 level
Ministry rating of Enterprise-wide Risk Management implementation * (Risk Maturity Index Rating — 5 point scale) Baseline 0

New Measure

2 3 3

*   Based on the government endorsed Risk Maturity Matrix tool rating scale. Refer to Appendix 2, Supplemental Performance Information for definition and further description of this measure.
1. Implement a comprehensive human resource plan to manage and support staff through the transformation of the ministry's service delivery system.
2. Demonstrate commitment to controlling regulatory burden and regulatory quality through compliance with the Regulatory Reform Criteria set out in the Regulatory Reform Policy.
3. Implement a comprehensive Internal Stakeholders Relations Plan.
4. Amend existing, or create new, legislation as required to support the ministry's requirements.
5. Implement an integrated approach to risk management throughout the ministry.
6. Improve MCFD's service delivery procurement method from the current practice of funding inputs and facilities to an outputs/outcomes method for paying the actual cost per unit of client services provided.
7. Implement a comprehensive accountability and performance management system.


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