Goals, Objectives, Strategies, and Results — Continued
Goal 1: Adults with developmental disabilities and children
and youth with special needs achieve their full potential,
participate in and contribute to their communities.
- Core Business Area:
- Community Living Services.
- Rationale:
- Community Living Services encompass a large range of services
to assist adults with developmental disabilities and children
with special needs to live as independently and fully as possible
within their homes and communities. Some individuals with developmental
disabilities may require ongoing support to enable them to participate
fully in the activities of daily living, while many children with
special needs may require intensive, specific intervention, either
on a short-term or periodic basis.
- Supports for adults include a diverse range of residential models
as well as day programs, to ensure their involvement in their
communities. Children with special needs have access to programs
which are based on a family-centred approach, that offers parents
as much choice as possible in two broad categories of developmental
and support services. The ministry is committed to working with
individuals, families and communities to ensure that needs are
met in the most effective and efficient manner while enhancing
opportunities for greater self-determination.
- Objective 1.1:
- Increase choice and flexibility for individuals and families.
Performance Measures |
2003/04 Base |
2004/05 Target |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
Satisfaction of individuals with services received. |
Baseline TBD by March 2004
New Measure |
Number of adults and families of children with special needs
who receive direct or individualized funding. |
Baseline 3,150
New Measure |
4,200 |
5,850 |
- Strategies:
- 1. Conduct regular analyses of the satisfaction of individuals
served with the services they receive or have received.
- 2. Continue to provide a broader range of options for the
use of individualized/direct funding for children with Autism
Spectrum Disorder.
- 3. Enhance access to appropriate interventions for children
and youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder through inter-ministry
planning and collaboration.
- 4. Provide a range of funding options, including individualized/direct
funding, to maximize choice, innovation and shared responsibility.
- Objective 1.2:
- Strengthen evidence-based1 early intervention
and support strategies, to assist families in caring for children
with special needs at home.
Performance Measure |
2003/04 Base |
2004/05 Target |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
Percentage of children (4-6) and youth (17-19) with special
needs that have completed Transition Plans. |
Baseline 25% New Measure |
50% |
75% |
80% |
- Strategies:
- 1. Improve transition planning at key developmental milestones.
- 2. Provide evidence-based services and improve access to
information about these services, to prevent children and youth
with special needs from coming into care.
- Objective 1.3:
- Transform community living services to achieve a sustainable,
accessible and integrated system.
Performance Measure |
2003/04 Base |
2004/05 Target |
2005/06 Target |
2006/07 Target |
Percentage of individuals served in family model homes. |
Baseline 36.4%
(Nov. 2003)
New Measure |
TBD by Sept. 2004* |
TBD* |
TBD* |
- Strategies:
- 1. Support Community Living British Columbia's (CLBC's) efforts
to strengthen partnerships within the community living sector
through: joint planning on service transformation; creating opportunities
to increase collaboration between the non-profit and private service
providers; and supporting efforts to generate efficiencies through
sharing of fiscal, physical and human resources.
- 2. In partnership with individuals and families, provide
more flexibility, choice, and shared responsibility with respect
to services and supports.
- 3. Support the increased use of informal, unfunded community
supports and partnerships to reduce reliance on formal, funded