2004/05 – 2006/07 SERVICE PLAN
Attorney General and Minister Responsible
for Treaty Negotiations
Message from the Deputy Attorney General
In my first year as Deputy Attorney General, I have come to appreciate the significant strides this ministry is taking toward justice reform in the province, as well as the challenges that still lie ahead.
We have taken important steps to build stronger working relationships with our justice partners, to increase the use of technology, to operate more efficiently, to ensure access to the justice system both in traditional ways (such as the use of circuit courts) and through newer non-court alternatives (such as alternative dispute resolution and alternatives to in-person court appearances), all the while maintaining core services in the face of fiscal restraint.
But our task is not yet over. We continue to seek solutions that can improve the administration of justice, provide better access for all British Columbians, and build public confidence in the province's justice system.
In collaboration with our partners, and with the commitment and dedication of our highly skilled public service workforce, we will move forward in pursuit of the goals outlined in this Service Plan. Over the next three years, we will strive to achieve results that will position British Columbia as one of the nation's leaders in establishing meaningful justice reforms that benefit citizens.
Allan Seckel
Deputy Attorney General
February 4, 2004