Budget 2004 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies and ResultsContinued

Goal 4: Environmentally sustainable development of the agriculture, food and fisheries sectors.

Outcome/Key Indicator:
Achieve economic growth in balance with environmental and social values.
Core Business Area:
Environmental Sustainability and Resource Development.

In order to achieve the economic potential of agriculture, food and fisheries, growth opportunities must be environmentally and socially sound.

Performance is measured by initially examining the rate of adoption and implementation of environmental farm plans. The ministry can then measure the rate of growth in farm incomes relative to historical trends for operations with environmental farm plans.

Income growth of operations with farm environmental plans versus historic data. Environmental farm plan program being developed. Develop baseline information.

Environmental farm plan program applied.
Maintain growth in agriculture and aquaculture. Agriculture = 5% growth in farm income.

Fish = 4% increase in wholesale value.
Objective 1:
Agriculture, food and fisheries industries that pursue resource development using best management practices to maintain high environmental standards.

It is important that farmers adopt responsible production and environmental practices if B.C.'s agriculture, food and fisheries sectors are to maintain long-term sustainability and improve the level of consumer, market and community support. The province has a unique opportunity to capitalize on B.C.'s leadership in developing and using environmentally sound management practices.

1. Develop and promote the use of environmental farm plans (including best practices, standards, operating procedures and audit processes), in conjunction with producers, regions and agencies.
2. Continue to update B.C.'s standards, policies and regulations maximizing environmental performance of the aquaculture industry.
3. Work with governments, ministries and agencies on legislation, policies and strategies dealing with water, wildlife, range, weeds and other issues to the benefit of the agriculture industry.

The development and implementation of environmental farm plans is a key performance measure. Progress was slowed somewhat in 2003/04 with delays in establishing the program.

Degree to which farms develop environmental plans and implement changes. Less than 5% of BC's 9,000 commercial farms have implemented on-farm environmental plans. 450 farms with approved environmental farm plans.

400 farms have implemented plans.
1,400 farms with approved environmental farm plans.

800 farms have implemented plans.
2,400 farms with approved environmental farm plans.

1,100 farms have implemented plans.

Note: Targets are cumulative.
Objective 2:
A positive regulatory climate within local government jurisdictions to encourage investment in agriculture, food and fisheries in their communities, and to ensure production practices are responsible.

The Local Government Act gives local governments the authority to adopt official plans and bylaws to regulate land use and farm practices. Plans and bylaws have the potential to conflict with agriculture, food and fisheries sectors. The ministry, through the strengthening farming program, supports stronger links between local governments, the farm community and the province so agricultural issues can be addressed through consultative and inclusive processes. This will lead to long-term solutions that are both supportive of the industry and appropriate to the community.

1. Review local government bylaws to ensure they allow farmers to use normal farm practices.
2. Develop standards to ensure bylaws are fair and supportive to agriculture.
3. Work with local governments to develop official community and agriculture area plans so local governments can take action to enhance their agriculture industries.
4. Support the formation and operation of local agriculture advisory committees that provide local governments with advice on land use, planning and regulation, and other issues affecting agriculture, and develop a working relationship with the Union of B.C. Municipalities to improve awareness of agriculture sector needs.

The ministry has developed an evaluation index to support performance measurement against this objective. The index considers many different aspects of local government policies and programs, bylaws and zoning and develops an overall rating of the extent to which local government supports agriculture and fisheries in B.C.

Evaluation index of local government policies and programs supporting agriculture and fisheries. Evaluation criteria in development.

Baseline index established and tested.
Improvement in evaluation index over previous year. Improvement in evaluation index. Improvement in evaluation index.
Objective 3:
Increase the availability of Crown land for agricultural production.

Growth in some agricultural sectors depends upon increased access to Crown land. The ministry will work with government ministries that are responsible for managing and disposing of Crown land to identify and act on opportunities to increase access to Crown lands suitable for agricultural production.

1. Participate with Land and Water British Columbia Inc. and the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management in pursuing increased access to Crown land for agriculture and facilitating the development and productive use of these lands.
2. Participate with the Ministry of Forests and other ministries to maintain and enhance access to Crown forage and rangelands for livestock grazing.

A key measure of access to Crown lands is the Crown land production capacity available to the agriculture sector for grazing. Capacity is expressed in terms of Animal Unit Months, which is the amount of forage consumed by a mature cow (with or without a calf up to six months of age) during one month.

Production capacity of Crown ALR land for grazing and availability for agricultural use. Approximately 897,000 Animal Unit Months of grazing capacity (2001). Maintain Animal Unit Months of grazing capacity. Maintain Animal Unit Months of grazing capacity. Maintain Animal Unit Months of grazing capacity.


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