2003/04 |
No* |
2004/05 |
Legislation |
42,955 |
1 |
Legislation |
45,737 |
42,955 |
Total Voted Expense |
45,737 |
42,955 |
Total Expense |
45,737 |
Officers of the Legislature |
7,901 |
2 |
Auditor General |
7,069 |
292 |
3 |
Conflict of Interest Commissioner |
292 |
7,509 |
4 |
Elections BC |
13,508 |
1,972 |
5 |
Information and Privacy Commissioner |
2,133 |
4,050 |
6 |
Ombudsman |
3,097 |
985 |
7 |
Police Complaint Commissioner |
985 |
22,709 |
Total Voted Expense |
27,084 |
22,709 |
Total Expense |
27,084 |
Office of the Premier |
52,270 |
8 |
Office of the Premier |
44,129 |
52,270 |
Total Voted Expense |
44,129 |
52,270 |
Total Expense |
44,129 |
Ministry of Advanced Education |
1,898,849 |
9 |
Ministry Operations |
1,898,849 |
1,898,849 |
Total Voted Expense |
1,898,849 |
1,898,849 |
Total Expense |
1,898,849 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries |
49,133 |
10 |
Ministry Operations |
44,682 |
49,133 |
Total Voted Expense |
44,682 |
20 |
(S) |
Livestock Protection .. |
10 |
20 |
Total Special Accounts (Statutory) |
10 |
49,153 |
Total Expense |
44,692 |
Ministry of Attorney General |
381,458 |
11 |
Ministry Operations. |
370,749 |
34,904 |
12 |
Treaty Negotiations Office |
28,904 |
51,664 |
13 |
Judiciary |
51,771 |
28,700 |
14 |
Crown Proceeding Act |
27,500 |
1 |
15 |
British Columbia Utilities Commission |
1 |
496,727 |
Total Voted Expense.. |
478,925 |
17,351 |
(S) |
Public Guardian and Trustee of British Columbia |
17,392 |
(6,497) |
Transfer from Ministry Operations Vote |
(6,950) |
10,854 |
Total Special Accounts (Statutory) |
10,442 |
507,581 |
Total Expense |
489,367 |
Ministry of Children and Family Development |
1,452,190 |
16 |
Ministry Operations |
1,381,568 |
1,452,190 |
Total Voted Expense |
1,381,568 |
1,452,190 |
Total Expense |
1,381,568 |
Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services |
582,404 |
17 |
Ministry Operations |
486,921 |
12,751 |
18 |
Transfer to Royal British Columbia Museum |
12,105 |
595,155 |
Total Voted Expense |
499,026 |
3,962 |
(S) |
First Citizens Fund |
4,200 |
3,142 |
(S) |
University Endowment Lands Administration |
3,142 |
7,104 |
Total Special Accounts (Statutory) |
7,342 |
602,259 |
Total Expense |
506,368 |
Ministry of Education |
4,860,065 |
19 |
Ministry Operations |
4,943,165 |
4,860,065 |
Total Voted Expense |
4,943,165 |
4,860,065 |
Total Expense |
4,943,165 |
Ministry of Energy and Mines |
38,000 |
20 |
Ministry Operations |
35,230 |
38,840 |
21 |
Contracts and Funding Arrangements |
28,560 |
76,840 |
Total Voted Expense |
63,790 |
76,840 |
Total Expense |
63,790 |
Ministry of Finance |
36,589 |
22 |
Ministry Operations |
31,297 |
14,812 |
23 |
Public Sector Employers' Council |
14,693 |
51,401 |
Total Voted Expense |
45,990 |
51,401 |
Total Expense |
45,990 |
Ministry of Forests |
422,197 |
24 |
Ministry Operations |
393,292 |
422,197 |
Total Voted Expense |
393,292 |
138,179 |
(S) |
BC Timber Sales |
131,800 |
1,490 |
(S) |
Forest Stand Management Fund |
1,490 |
3,000 |
(S) |
South Moresby Forest Replacement |
3,000 |
142,669 |
Total Special Accounts (Statutory) |
136,290 |
564,866 |
Total Expense |
529,582 |
Ministry of Health Services |
10,376,253 |
25 |
Ministry Operations |
10,404,260 |
7,085 |
26 |
Vital Statistics (Special Operating Agency) |
6,935 |
10,383,338 |
Total Voted Expense |
10,411,195 |
147,250 |
(S) |
Health Special Account |
147,250 |
147,250 |
Total Special Accounts (Statutory) |
147,250 |
10,530,588 |
Total Expense |
10,558,445 |
Ministry of Human Resources |
1,418,292 |
27 |
Ministry Operations |
1,301,425 |
1,418,292 |
Total Voted Expense |
1,301,425 |
1,418,292 |
Total Expense |
1,301,425 |
Ministry of Management Services |
41,073 |
28 |
Ministry Operations |
51,289 |
8,461 |
29 |
BC Public Service Agency |
10,016 |
49,534 |
Total Voted Expense |
61,305 |
49,534 |
Total Expense |
61,305 |
Ministry of Provincial Revenue |
50,694 |
30 |
Ministry Operations |
52,279 |
50,694 |
Total Voted Expense |
52,279 |
(S) |
Provincial Home Acquisition Wind Up |
25 |
Total Special Accounts (Statutory) |
25 |
50,694 |
Total Expense |
52,304 |
Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General |
509,207 |
31 |
Ministry Operations |
478,891 |
18,948 |
32 |
Emergency Program Act |
15,635 |
528,155 |
Total Voted Expense |
494,526 |
(S) |
Forfeited Crime Proceeds Fund |
1,540 |
(S) |
Inmate Work Program |
1,554 |
7,325 |
(S) |
Victims of Crime Act |
7,325 |
8,865 |
Total Special Accounts (Statutory) |
8,879 |
537,020 |
Total Expense |
503,405 |
Ministry of Skills Development and Labour |
25,637 |
33 |
Ministry Operations |
18,812 |
25,637 |
Total Voted Expense |
18,812 |
25,637 |
Total Expense |
18,812 |
Ministry of Small Business and Economic Development |
174,713 |
34 |
Ministry Operations |
139,689 |
174,713 |
Total Voted Expense |
139,689 |
1,500 |
(S) |
Northern Development Fund |
500 |
483 |
(S) |
Olympic Arts Fund |
625 |
2,215 |
(S) |
Physical Fitness and Amateur Sports Fund |
2,200 |
4,198 |
Total Special Accounts (Statutory) |
3,325 |
178,911 |
Total Expense |
143,014 |
Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management |
87,134 |
35 |
Ministry Operations |
68,415 |
2,296 |
36 |
Agricultural Land Commission |
1,957 |
89,430 |
Total Voted Expense |
70,372 |
(S) |
Crown Land Account |
210,620 |
Total Special Accounts (Statutory) |
210,620 |
89,430 |
Total Expense |
280,992 |
Ministry of Transportation |
855,047 |
37 |
Ministry Operations |
811,060 |
855,047 |
Total Voted Expense |
811,060 |
855,047 |
Total Expense |
811,060 |
Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection |
122,033 |
38 |
Ministry Operations |
112,436 |
122,033 |
Total Voted Expense |
112,436 |
31,345 |
(S) |
Sustainable Environment Fund |
35,705 |
31,345 |
Total Special Accounts (Statutory) |
35,705 |
153,378 |
Total Expense |
148,141 |
Management of Public Funds and Debt |
926,000 |
39 |
Management of Public Funds and Debt |
800,000 |
926,000 |
Total Voted Expense |
800,000 |
926,000 |
Total Expense |
800,000 |
Other Appropriations |
116,000 |
40 |
Contingencies (All Ministries) and New Programs |
240,000 |
85,000 |
41 |
BC Family Bonus |
59,000 |
3,400 |
42 |
Citizens' Assembly |
2,600 |
1 |
43 |
Commissions on Collection of Public Funds |
1 |
44 |
Allowances for Doubtful Revenue Accounts |
1 |
2,897 |
45 |
Environmental Assessment Office |
2,897 |
1,895 |
46 |
Environmental Appeal Board and Forest Appeals Commission |
1,895 |
4,344 |
47 |
Forest Practices Board |
3,307 |
190,000 |
Government Restructuring (All Ministries) |
403,537 |
Total Voted Expense |
309,701 |
(S) |
Insurance and Risk Management |
809 |
(S) |
Unclaimed Property |
75 |
(S) |
Build BC |
78,438 |
(S) |
Industry Training and Apprenticeship |
-78,438 |
Transfer from Vote 9 |
(S) |
Medical and Health Care Services |
25 |
(S) |
Provincial Home Acquisition |
(S) |
Provincial Treasury Revenue Program |
(S) |
Vancouver Island Natural Gas Pipeline |
834 |
Total Special Accounts (Statutory) |
75 |
404,371 |
Total Expense |
309,776 |
All Appropriations |
25,046,901 |
Total Voted Expense |
24,449,037 |
353,139 |
Total Special Accounts (Statutory) |
559,963 |
25,400,040 |
Total Expense |
25,009,000 |
* An (S) under the Vote number column denotes that statutory
authority exists to authorize the expense. |
1 For comparison purposes only, amounts shown for
2003/04 expense have been restated to be consistent with the presentation
of the 2004/05 Estimates. Schedule A presents a detailed reconciliation.
Schedule B presents a summary of all Special Accounts. |