The Oil and Gas Sector in British Columbia
The petroleum industry is one of BC's success stories. Since
2001, employment in oil and gas extraction has increased by
44 per cent. In 2003/04, the industry is forecast
to invest approximately $3.5 billion in the province,
and is forecast to contribute over $2 billion in government
revenues through royalties, resource taxes and tenures.
British Columbia's oil and gas industry began to grow significantly
during the 1950's. Major discoveries in northeastern BC focused
industry development efforts in that area including the construction
of pipelines to gather and transport gas to markets. Since
deregulation of gas markets in 1985, BC natural gas has played
a growing role in domestic and international markets and recent
growth in the industry has been especially rapid. In 1992,
the number of wells drilled in BC was 157. By 2002, this number
was 643 (821 for fiscal year 2002/03). In 1993/94, government
revenues from oil and gas were $393 million; by 2002/03,
they had grown to $1,506 million.

Currently, BC is in the midst of one of its strongest drilling
seasons ever. As of January 30, 2004, there were
162 drilling rigs active in the province, compared to 124
at the same time last year. The Oil and Gas Commission has
issued almost double the number of drilling permits this year
as at the same time last year. Over 1,144 wells are expected
to be drilled during 2003/04, and provincial revenues of about
$2 billion are forecast.
Government Initiatives
There are a number of economic fundamentals which have contributed
to the growth of the oil and gas industry in BC. These include
higher natural gas prices, consolidation in the Canadian petroleum
industry which has brought expertise and investment strategies
of major international petroleum companies to Canada, and
the high-profile natural gas discovery at Ladyfern. However,
a significant driver for the recent rapid growth of the industry
in BC, has also been a changing investment climate and a number
of government initiatives designed to promote BC's oil and
gas potential, and attract industry investment.
In addition to ongoing activities to support oil and gas
development, over the past several years, the provincial government
- cut the corporate tax rate from 16.5 per cent
to 13.5 per cent;
- eliminated the Corporation Capital Tax on non-financial
- eliminated the sales tax on production machinery and equipment
for the oil and gas sector;
- maintained a six-year $103 million program to improve
roads accessed by the oil and gas industry; and
- strengthened the Oil and Gas Commission, providing a single
window access to regulatory approvals for oil and gas activities.
In 2002/03, the Ministry of Energy and Mines embarked upon
a concerted effort to attract additional oil and gas investment
to BC. This included:
- new marketing efforts targeted at Canadian and United
States producers;
- development of targeted tenure and royalty changes;
- promotion of coalbed methane development;
- more in-depth evaluation of BC's oil and gas reserves
and enhancement of the province's resource mapping capabilities;
- promotion of public-private partnerships for road infrastructure;
- ensuring an adequate supply of aggregate for Northeast
BC oil and gas roads; and
- enhancement of services such as those in the Fort St.
John Core Lab, a ministry facility which stores drilling
samples and is used by industry to research BC's resource
In 2003/04, the provincial government built on the work conducted
in 2002/03 and launched the Oil and Gas Development Strategy.
This strategy is a comprehensive program that develops and
expands the province's service sector supporting the oil and
gas industry, addresses resource and community road infrastructure,
aims to reduce and streamline regulation, and targets royalty
incentives to encourage increased exploration and resource
development. Specific measures included:
- $10 million annually in road infrastructure royalty
credits. These are royalty credits that are matched by industry
contributions towards road infrastructure. The province
is also assessing the business case for a further $20 million
annually in road royalty credits based on industry proposals;
- support for a public-private partnership model for financing
upgrades to the Sierra-Yoyo-Desan road near Fort Nelson;
- new royalty initiatives to encourage the development of
marginally economic resources, exploration for deep resources,
and expanding summer drilling activity; and
- initiating research into a net profit royalty regime for
unconventional resources and new basins.
Further, as part of the Oil and Gas Development Strategy,
the Ministry of Energy and Mines is implementing recommendations
from the Regulatory Best Practices Advisory Group and the
Service Sector Strategy Committee, both with industry cooperation.
The ministry has also launched the Skills Development Partnership
with industry to enhance employment opportunities in the oil
and gas industry for British Columbians. This partnership
will support $1 million in training initiatives annually
over the next three years. Further, in order to support higher
levels of activity, the ministry has now initiated a comprehensive
rewrite of oil and gas legislation and regulation to complete
transition to a single-window, best practices regulatory environment.
First Nations involvement has also been an essential element
of accelerated oil and gas development. The Oil and Gas Commission
has entered into consultation Memoranda of Understanding with
Treaty 8 First Nations which provides funding to allow First
Nations to meaningfully consult on each drilling application
submitted to the Commission. Revenue sharing agreements are
already in place with respect to developments on the Fort
Nelson and Blueberry-Doig reserves, and the province is exploring
broader revenue sharing options regarding development in the
Treaty 8 First Nations' traditional territory. The province
has also initiated a number of projects in consultation with
Treaty 8 First Nations designed to ensure that the First Nations
heritage and cultural sites in the Northeast are preserved
as oil and gas development continues, as well as providing
funding from the First Nations Economic Measures Fund to facilitate
Treaty 8 First Nations' participation in oil and gas related
opportunities. In emerging new basin areas, the Ministry of
Energy and Mines is consulting with First Nations to engage
their participation in the oil and gas industry prior to tenure
sales. Further, the province is developing innovative partnerships
with First Nations, government and industry to increase First
Nations employment and business involvement in the industry.
This will help ensure that First Nations communities can receive
long-term benefits from development.
Industry response to the Oil and Gas Development Strategy
has been positive. The September 10, 2003 sale of
petroleum and natural gas rights reached an all-time high
of $418 million. Of this record-setting land sale, $370 million
was in response to new deep gas royalties introduced as part
of the Oil and Gas Development Strategy. Summer drilling in
2003 was more than double that in 2002, in response to the
new summer drilling incentives. Winter drilling activity is
also up almost 40 per cent over last year.

Other Onshore Oil and Gas Resources
British Columbia is clearly on the right track. Development
is increasing, as are industry investments, employment and
government revenues. However, the province's work is not done
with respect to promotion of BC's resources. Currently, commercial
production only takes place in the northeast corner of the
province, and is focused on conventional resources. Much of
BC's potential oil and gas growth lies in under-explored horizons
(underground layers) underlying traditionally productive horizons,
in geographically remote areas, in under-explored basins,
or with unconventional resources. For example, more than 55 per cent
of BC's remaining marketable gas is located in under-explored
horizons. Interest in exploring for these resources is on
the rise in part due to the targeted incentives components
of the Oil and Gas Development Strategy.
The province is also formulating a strategy for expediting
development of the under-explored onshore basins such as the
Bowser and Nechako basins. BC's under-explored onshore basins
have a combined estimated conventional in-place resource potential
of 18 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of natural gas, and approximately
7.7 billion barrels of oil (BBO). For comparison, northeast
BC has potential of 50 Tcf and .7 BBO.
Further growth of BC's resources will also be influenced
by increased development of unconventional resources such
as coalbed methane (natural gas sourced from coal seams),
as well as shale gas (natural gas sourced from shale beds)
and tight gas (natural gas sourced from formations with very
low permeability). The province has implemented a special
coalbed methane gas royalty to encourage development, and
is currently working to develop a net profit royalty regime
applicable to tight gas and shale gas development projects.
Industry leaders in these types of plays are already considering
BC for development of these unconventional resources.
Offshore Oil and Gas Resources
In addition to under-explored and under-developed resources
onshore, BC also boasts substantial offshore oil and gas resource
potential. This potential is estimated at 9.8 BBO and
approximately 42 Tcf of gas. However, due to federal
and provincial development moratoria, which were put in place
to respond to environmental concerns in the 1970's and 1980's,
these resources have not yet been developed.
As announced in the July 2001 Speech from the Throne,
the BC government appointed a scientific panel to ascertain
whether offshore resources could be extracted in a way that
was environmentally responsible and scientifically sound.
In 2002, this panel released its report and concluded that
"there is no inherent or fundamental inadequacy of the science
or technology, properly applied in an appropriate regulatory
framework, to justify a blanket moratorium on such activities."
Government has established and funded a dedicated offshore
oil and gas team to investigate potential offshore development
in BC, and to work with the federal government, First Nations,
local communities, and industry on the issue. The team is
working with these groups to identify issues and concerns,
and is researching possible fiscal and regulatory frameworks.
The province has also granted $2 million to the University
of Northern British Columbia to advance the state of knowledge
pertaining to offshore oil and gas issues in British Columbia.
In March 2003, the federal government announced that
it would proceed with a three-part review of offshore oil
and gas development in the Queen Charlotte Basin. This review
involves a scientific review panel, public hearings and a
First Nations engagement process. The release of the scientific
review panel report, the initiation of public hearings, and
the initiation of the First Nations engagement process are
expected by mid-2004. British Columbia is not formally part
of the federal review process, but is providing advice and
cooperation where possible.
In the long term, development of offshore oil and gas resources
could produce substantial job creation, revenues and economic
benefits to the province. However, the province has stated
that it will only pursue offshore development if it can be
done in an environmentally responsible and scientifically
sound manner.
BC has been blessed with considerable oil and gas potential.
Market conditions and recent government initiatives have combined
to make the industry one of the province's success stories.
Growth in the Northeast of the province is expected to continue,
and looking towards the future, BC will increasingly see the
development of unconventional resources, and interest in the
under-explored basins. Further, if BC's offshore oil and gas
potential can be developed in an environmentally responsible
and scientifically sound way a whole new industry could develop
around BC's offshore resources. As is already the case in
the northeast, First Nations and local community involvement
will be a key element of oil and gas development elsewhere
in BC.
