Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Key Measures and Strategic Actions

In keeping with government’s vision and values, three strategic goals and a number of strategic objectives have been identified for the next three years. The goals and objectives are sometimes interdependent and need to be jointly considered to identify opportunities for greater effectiveness. Moreover, all of these goals and objectives will be undertaken in the context of government’s two most pressing issues — restoring our economy and our fiscal situation to positions of strength while maintaining our commitment to health and education.

As the implementation of a measurement framework for government is a new process, some measures are in the developmental stage and may be general in nature. In a few cases performance measure targets are still being developed, and will be refined over time. We have selected measures that represent the strategic direction of government, and have drawn from the work of the British Columbia Progress Board, as well as from the Provincial Health Officer and other sources.

The Plan also details a variety of strategic actions under each of the three strategic goals of government. These actions are the priority initiatives that government will undertake over the next three years to move British Columbia toward the achievement of government’s three core goals for the province. These strategic actions will be revised each year to be consistent with government’s current priorities, and those actions that have been completed will be identified in the government’s Annual Report.

[ Goal 1 | Goal 2 | Goal 3 ]

Goal 1. A Strong and Vibrant Provincial Economy

British Columbia has had a long history of prosperity and leadership. However, the 1990s were a decade of decline for the province, where British Columbia fell far short of being the leading economic performer in Canada. We want to regain our position of strength, and within the next decade return this province to an unparalleled economic success story. When we survey the economic landscape in the years to come, British Columbians will have much to be proud of, and much to look forward to. Our citizens will have confidence in the provincial economy, its social fabric and in themselves to achieve their full potential.

Objectives & Key Measures

The objectives and key measures to achieve this goal are as follows:


MEASURE: The percentage of the labour force with a post-secondary certificate, diploma or degree. TARGET: Increase the percentage of the labour force with a post-secondary certificate, diploma or degree from the 2001 baseline of 51 per cent to 54 per cent in 2005/06.
MEASURE: Persons employed in natural and applied sciences as a percentage of total employment in British Columbia. TARGET: Increase the percentage of individuals employed in natural and applied science occupations as a percentage of total employment, from the 2001 baseline of 6.1 per cent to 7.0 per cent in 2005/06.


MEASURE: Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita is a key measure of overall economic activity, expressed in terms of economic output (new goods and services produced) per person. TARGET: The B.C. Progress Board has set a target for us of 1st or 2nd place in Canada by 2010. To meet that goal, by 2005/06 we expect to be at a 5th place rank in Canada in the growth of real GDP per capita, from the 2001 baseline rank of 10th place.
MEASURE: Real GDP per hour worked in the business sector indicates overall efficiency of our labour efforts. TARGET: By 2005/06 we expect to be at a 3rd place rank in Canada in the level of real GDP per worker hour in the business sector, from the 2001 baseline rank of 5th place.
MEASURE: Total amount of gross fixed business investment as a percentage of provincial GDP. TARGET: By 2005/06 we expect to be at a 3rd place rank in Canada in the level of business investment, from the 2001 baseline rank of 5th place.


MEASURE: The employment to population ratio of individuals aged 15 to 64. TARGET: The B.C. Progress Board has set a target for us of 1st or 2nd place in Canada by 2010. To meet that goal, by 2005/06 we expect to be at a 4th place rank in Canada in the employment ratio, from the 2001 baseline rank of 6th place.
MEASURE: Real personal disposable income per capita represents total income minus taxes paid to all levels of government (i.e. income taxes, property taxes, contributions to social security, etc.) and various fees such as medical insurance premiums, expressed on a per person basis. TARGET: The B.C. Progress Board has set a target for us of 1st or 2nd place in Canada by 2010. To meet that goal, by 2005/06 we expect to have improved on our 2001 baseline rank of 3rd place.
MEASURE: Net new jobs in British Columbia. TARGET: From the 2001 baseline rank of 3rd in Canada, target a 1st place rank in the net new total jobs created by 2005/06.


MEASURE: Balance the provincial government budget. TARGET: The provincial budget will be balanced annually beginning in 2004/05.
MEASURE: Taxpayer supported debt in relation to the size of the GDP. TARGET: Annually reduce the province’s taxpayer supported debt to GDP ratio once a balanced budget is achieved in 2004/05.
MEASURE: Provincial government expenditure as a percentage of GDP. TARGET: Reduce the level of provincial government expenditure from the 2002/03 forecast of 21.3 per cent of GDP.


Strategy: Innovation and
Economic Growth
Core Accountability
Work with the private sector to remove barriers to economic activity   Competition, Science & Enterprise
Support a culture of innovation that transfers science and technology from the research stage through to development and the commercial marketplace   Competition, Science & Enterprise; Advanced Education
Develop and implement a long-term economic development strategy   Competition, Science & Enterprise; All Ministries

Maintain a competitive tax regime

Make the Workers’ Compensation Board responsive to workers and employers   Skills Development & Labour
Build the capacity for British Columbia to be a national leader in the research and innovation essential for economic growth   Advanced Education
Continue to co-ordinate provincial trade and investment promotion across sectors   Competition, Science & Enterprise
Conclude treaty and other economic related agreements with First Nations that promote investment certainty and increase access to Crown lands and resources   Attorney General
Expand partnerships with the federal government to promote growth and economic development in British Columbia   All Ministries
Improve key transportation infrastructure that supports economic growth and trade   Transportation
Develop a provincial human resources strategy to ensure British Columbia has the skilled workforce to support British Columbia growth   Skills Development & Labour; Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services; Competition, Science & Enterprise; Advanced Education; Education; Human Resources; Public Sector Employers’ Council; Health Planning
Develop a new model to deliver industry training in the province which will refocus resources more effectively and efficiently throughout the province   Advanced Education
Develop fair and balanced employment standards that allow mutually beneficial relationships between employees and employers   Skills Development & Labour


Strategy: Management of
Core Accountability
All ministries will meet their budget and service plan targets   Finance; All Ministries
Reform the province’s Crown corporations so that they focus on public services, efficiency and effective service delivery   Crown Agencies Secretariat; All Ministries
Increase recoveries of revenues owed to government and streamline accounts receivable collections   Provincial Revenue
Promote and sustain a renewed professional public service   Management Services; All Ministries
Establish public private partnerships or other alternative service delivery arrangements for capital infrastructure and program delivery   Finance; All Ministries
Improve public access to government through e-government initiatives   Chief Information Office
Continue to expand one-stop permitting and licensing in key sectors   Competition, Science & Enterprise; All Ministries
Continue to streamline government’s legislation and regulation   Competition, Science & Enterprise
Continue to implement integrated cross ministry service delivery projects in various communities throughout the province   Management Services; Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services

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Goal 2: A Supportive Social Fabric

There is a fundamental relationship between a vibrant economy and a strong social fabric. Our economy will only be strong if our social fabric supports a healthy population and a skilled workforce. Robust economies provide the funds for the social and environmental services required by the public. Over the next three years we will facilitate the governmental and institutional reforms needed to build and sustain high-performing health, education and social welfare systems. Our systems of justice must be accessible, efficient, fair and affordable. We will ensure our public institutions provide citizens with services that meet standards of the highest quality, are timely, are delivered by knowledgeable and competent staff, are cost-effective and responsive to individual choice. British Columbians will be treated with dignity and respect.

Objectives & Key Measures

The objectives and key measures to achieve this goal are as follows:


MEASURE: The rate of lost potential years of life per 10,000 population from all causes of premature death. TARGET: Decrease the potential years of life lost from the 1995 – 2000 average of 53.3 per 10,000 population to an average of 45.0 per 10,000 population for 2001 – 2005.
MEASURE: The percentage of all live births weighing below 2,500 grams. TARGET: Decrease the percentage of all live births weighing below 2,500 grams from the 2000 baseline of 5.1 per cent to 5.0 per cent between 2001 – 2005.
MEASURE: The rate of status Indians who die in the first year of life. TARGET: The rate of infant mortality among the status Indian population is equal to that of the general population of British Columbia by 2005/06.


MEASURE: The percentage of the population, aged 25 to 54, who have completed a university education. TARGET: By 2005/06 we expect to be at a 2nd place rank in Canada in the population who have completed a university education from the 2001 baseline rank of 4th place.
MEASURE: The percentage of students who start Grade 8 and graduate from Grade 12 within six years. TARGET: Annual improvement from the 2000/01 baseline of 76 per cent.
MEASURE: The percentage of students meeting or exceeding expectations in Grade 4 reading is an early success indicator. TARGET: Annual improvement from the 2000/01 baseline of 78 per cent.


MEASURE: The proportion of small claims cases settled through out-of-court mediation in the Court Mediation Program. TARGET: Achieve and maintain an average of 60 per cent between 2003/04 – 2005/06 from the 2000/01 baseline of 56 per cent.
MEASURE: The proportion of adult offenders who do not re-offend for two years following corrections supervision. TARGET: Increase the proportion of adult offenders who do not re-offend from the 2001/02 baseline of 69 per cent to 70 per cent in 2005/06 and maintain this level.
MEASURE: The median number of days to disposition from first appearance for criminal cases. TARGET: By 2005/06, achieve and maintain an average of 44 days from the 2000/01 baseline of 46 days.


MEASURE: The percentage of British Columbia’s population receiving income assistance. TARGET: By 2005/06, reduce the percentage of the population receiving income assistance from the 2001/02 baseline of 6.0 per cent to 3.75 per cent.
MEASURE: The percentage of individuals receiving income assistance who are capable of financial independence through employment. TARGET: Reduce the percentage of persons receiving income assistance who are capable of financial independence through employment from the 2001/02 baseline of 76 per cent to 52 per cent by 2005/06.
MEASURE: Aboriginal self-sufficiency (measure under development) TARGET: Under development


Strategy: Flexibility and Choice Core Accountability
Increase flexibility and choice in public schooling   Education
Increase flexibility and choice for post-secondary education students   Advanced Education
Facilitate a community-based approach to ensure access to high-quality and cost-effective health, education and social services   Advanced Education; Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services; Children & Family Development; Education; Health Planning; Human Resources; Health Services

Expand the early use of alternative dispute resolution processes for civil disputes and family justice issues

  Attorney General
Provide individualized funding, service and support options to children, youth, families and adults with developmental disabilities   Children & Family Development
Provide greater choice of living options for Home and Community Care   Health Planning; Health Services


Strategy: Access Core Accountability
Enhance full-service family practice to ensure delivery of a consistent level and quality of coordinated medical and related services throughout the Province   Health Planning; Health Services
Create a sustainable child care system in which families can choose from a range of available, affordable, safe, quality child care options that meet their diverse needs; that support families to achieve their educational and employment goals and that support the healthy development of children   Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services; Children & Family Development; Human Resources; Health Services
Ensure delivery of a consistent level and quality of education, health and social services throughout the province   Advanced Education; Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services; Education; Health Planning; Human Resources; Health Services
Enhance access for the number and an increasingly diverse array of post-secondary learners throughout the province   Advanced Education
Increase the use of technology to streamline court processes and facilitate access to justice   Attorney General; Public Safety & Solicitor General
Ensure criminal cases move through the justice system in a timely and efficient manner   Attorney General; Public Safety & Solicitor General


Strategy: Results-Oriented and Evidence-Based Accountability Core Accountability
Implement and manage performance-based accountability agreements for publicly funded agencies including health, education and social services   Advanced Education; Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services; Children & Family Development; Education; Health Planning; Human Resources
Improve the prevention and management of selected chronic diseases   Health Planning; Health Services


Strategy: Enhance Individual and Community Capacity Core Accountability
Ensure information is available to assist individuals in making more informed decisions regarding their personal and community health, education, fitness, safety and health care needs   Advanced Education; Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services; Education; Health Planning; Health Services; Public Safety & Solicitor General
Provide supports and incentives to enhance local responsiveness to community and family needs   Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services; Education; Children & Family Development; Health Planning; Human Resources; Health Services
Provide supports and incentives to engage in programs for health promotion and prevention of racism and violence   Health Services; Health Planning; Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services
Enhance social development for Aboriginal people   Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services; Children & Family Development; Human Resources; Advanced Education; Education
Promote the development of supports and services within aboriginal communities that address their unique social and economic conditions   Advanced Education; Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services; Education; Human Resources; Health Services
Provide skills training and employment programs to move employable BC Employment and Assistance clients into the labour market   Human Resources
Implement new employment programs and services that assist persons with disabilities to participate in employment and employment-related or voluntary activities as they are able   Human Resources
Provide opportunities through post-secondary and continuing education to help citizens obtain the knowledge and skills that will help them contribute more effectively to their communities   Advanced Education


Strategy: Safety Core Accountability
Lower the risks of re-offending by using risk and needs assessment to determine appropriate rehabilitation programs   Public Safety & Solicitor General
Ensure the development of socially responsible and safe industry practices   Skills Development & Labour; Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services; Public Safety & Solicitor General
Encourage workplaces to improve their safety practices and seek improvements from employers and industries with poor safety records   Skills Development & Labour; Public Safety & Solicitor General
Develop regulatory legislation that offers protection for consumers and flexibility for consumer industries   Public Safety & Solicitor General

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Goal 3. Safe, Healthy Communities and A Sustainable Environment

Sustained economic competitiveness depends upon British Columbians maximizing the benefits from our natural resources, maintaining the quality of our environment, and enhancing the health of our communities. Our province is known for its spectacular scenery and natural environment. At the same time, our land base and natural resources underpin the economy and our local communities and, through resource revenues, contribute to our supportive social fabric. Government will maximize the value of these public assets by balancing protection of the physical environment with sustainable economic activity in our natural resource sector.

The health of our communities is equally important to our economic prosperity, our individual well-being and the sustainability of our physical environment. Government will promote communities in which diversity is valued and British Columbians have a sense of personal and public safety. In addition, the provincial government is committed to increasing local autonomy.

Objectives & Key Measures

The objectives and key measures to achieve this goal are as follows:


MEASURE: The number of personal and property crimes known to police per 1,000 population. TARGET: Decrease the number of personal and property crimes from the 2001 baseline of 76.9 per 1,000 population.
MEASURE: The percentage of British Columbians reporting satisfaction with their personal safety from crime. TARGET: Improve the percentage of British Columbians reporting satisfaction with their personal safety from crime from the 2001/02 baseline of 84 per cent to 88 per cent in 2005/06.


MEASURE: The percentage of land and water tenure applications processed within established turnaround times as an indicator of quality of service delivery. TARGET: By 2005/06, 90 per cent of applications will be processed within 140 days from the 2001/02 baseline of greater than 400 days.
MEASURE: The hectares of Crown and forest land in British Columbia certified by major forest certification processes. TARGET: By 2005/06, increase the proportion of forest certification by 30 per cent from the 2001/02 baseline of 7.7 million hectares.


MEASURE: The percentage of monitored communities achieving the Canada-wide standard (CWS) quality objective of amount of fine particulates in the air under 2.5 microns per cubic metre (PM 2.5). TARGET: By 2005/06, 100 per cent of communities monitored achieve, or continue to achieve, the CWS for PM 2.5 from the baseline of 10 communities in 2001.
MEASURE: The per cent of waterworks within a health region with multiple samples with detectable fecal coliform bacteria or E. coli. TARGET: No detectable fecal coliform bacteria or E. coli per 100 mL sample by 2005/06.
MEASURE: The trends in environmentally significant variables, such as metals and nutrients, that indicate the health of water for 30 water bodies monitored under the federal/provincial agreement. TARGET: Maintain or improve water quality trends for water bodies monitored under the federal/provincial agreement by 2005.


MEASURE: The amount of new electricity produced from environmentally responsible sources. TARGET: By 2005/06, at least 50 per cent of new electricity supply will come from environmentally responsible sources.
MEASURE: The percentage of known native species that are threatened or endangered in the province. TARGET: Improve on the province’s 2000 baseline of 14.2 per cent for species of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, freshwater fish, ferns and orchids at risk.


Strategy: Sustainable
Resource Development
Core Accountability
Expedite economic development by increasing access to Crown resources   Sustainable Resource Management; Agriculture, Food & Fisheries; Energy & Mines; Forests
Promote resource investment opportunities within and outside of British Columbia   Competition, Science & Enterprise; Energy & Mines; Forests; Agriculture, Food & Fisheries; Sustainable Resource Management
Develop market-based pricing regimes which include fair value for the province’s resources   Competition, Science & Enterprise; Energy & Mines; Agriculture, Food & Fisheries; Sustainable Resource Management
Complete priority land-use plans to identify and facilitate economic opportunities   Sustainable Resource Management
Develop and implement the Working Forest Initiative to increase land base certainty, enhance long-term forestry management and streamline land use decision processes   Sustainable Resource Management
Implement initiatives that improve economic development opportunities for First Nations   Sustainable Resource Management; Energy & Mines; Forests
Implement the government’s energy policy to ensure secure and reliable energy supplies, more investment opportunities for the private sector and environmentally responsible energy development and use   Energy & Mines
Determine the future direction of offshore oil and gas development   Energy & Mines; Intergovernmental Relations
Develop partnerships with industry and other stakeholders to provide opportunities for more effective, efficient and innovative management of Crown resources   Agriculture, Food & Fisheries; Energy & Mines; Forests; Sustainable Resource Management; Water, Land & Air Protection
Provide access to integrated land, resource and geographic information for government, industry and public use   Sustainable Resource Management
Maintain policies to ensure that Crown land and resource decisions are informed by First Nations interests   Sustainable Resource Management; Energy & Mines; Forests
Work with the federal government to integrate federal and provincial policy and regulatory frameworks for environment, agriculture, food and fisheries to ensure the province receives its fair share of federal funding as well as securing greater effectiveness in management and control of the fisheries resource   Water, Land & Air Protection; Agriculture, Food & Fisheries; Intergovernmental Relations


Strategy: Environmental Protection
and Safety
Core Accountability
Implement a streamlined, science-based, results-oriented regulatory approach to protect human health and the environment and ensure effective enforcement   Sustainable Resource Management; Health Planning; Forests; Energy & Mines; Water, Land & Air Protection; Agriculture, Food & Fisheries
Reduce impacts to surface and groundwater through implementation of the amended Drinking Water Protection Act and groundwater legislation   Water, Land & Air Protection; Health Services
Develop and, with partners, implement an air shed planning framework targeted at improving air quality in communities   Water, Land & Air Protection
Implement a revamped regime for contaminated sites administration to reduce backlogs and focus government resources on sites that pose the highest risk to human health   Water, Land & Air Protection; Sustainable Resource Management
Develop and implement a provincial strategy to manage biodiversity   Water, Land & Air Protection
Implement a made-in-British Columbia action plan to address issues associated with greenhouse gases and climate change   Water, Land & Air Protection; Energy & Mines; Sustainable Resource Management
Implement new outcome-based legislation for mineral exploration and forest practices   Energy & Mines; Forests
Operationalize the two-zone system for subsurface resource exploration and development   Energy & Mines


Strategy: Community Services and Infrastructure Core Accountability
Establish workable relationships with First Nations communities   All Ministries
Develop and implement a Community Charter   Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services
Aggressively support the 2010 Olympic Bid   Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services; Competition, Science & Enterprise; Intergovernmental Relations; Transportation; Water, Land & Air Protection; Sustainable Resource Management
Modernize safety legislation, regulations and codes   Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services
Sponsor a provincial strategy that promotes physically active living through active schools, active communities and organized sport   Community, Aboriginal &Women’s Services; Education; Health Planning; Health Services
Implement a provincial housing strategy to address market and non-market housing needs   Community, Aboriginal & Women’s Services
Ensure that the planning priorities of the Regional Transportation Committees are reflected in the Provincial Transportation Strategic Plan   Transportation
Integrate overlapping and duplicate police services   Public Safety & Solicitor General
Focus liquor control enforcement and inspections on public safety issues such as service to minors, over-service, overcrowding and illicit alcohol   Public Safety & Solicitor General

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