Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives and StrategiesContinued

Core Business Area: Executive and Support Services

Goal 4: Provide effective and efficient planning, support and enforcement for ministry programs.
Objective: Clear vision, leadership, direction and support for all ministry programs.
  • Provide guidance on how the ministry will make decisions about initiatives based on the consideration of all relevant factors, including economic, social and environmental factors.
  • Establish strong strategic policy leadership that focuses on broad directions, continuous improvement and innovation.
  • Undertake strategic planning and provide leadership and support to ensure a coordinated and integrated approach to ministry initiatives in all regions of the province (e.g., delivery through an effective committee structure).
  • Eliminate, revise or develop new legislation as appropriate to facilitate delivery of the ministry’s strategic shifts and to address deregulation requirements.
  • Continue to guide and support the improved use and better integration of science and risk management in ministry decision-making.
  • Participate and provide leadership in intergovernmental forums and facilitate implementation of associated initiatives [e.g., Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME), Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM)].
  • Participate in interministry forums to support ministry interests in addressing cross-ministry initiatives (e.g., Partnership Committee on Agriculture and the Environment).
  • Support key government initiatives, such as the government’s economic and fiscal strategy, B.C. Lands Trust, the 2010 Olympic Bid, and the acquisition of Burns Bog.
  • Effectively communicate expectations and results to staff, clients and the public.
  • Establish a formalized mechanism for business liaison to address concerns and expedite the resolution of issues.
Objective: Efficient program management, fiscal responsibility and client service.
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive performance management framework, including effective monitoring, reporting and performance measurement.
  • Develop and implement a human resource strategy that acknowledges changing workforce requirements, fosters healthy and knowledgeable staff, and supports achievement of business objectives.
  • Ensure service requirements and fiscal targets are aligned.
  • Work with ministries and others to develop effective agreements and memorandums of understanding to share expertise, services and service facilities across the regions.
  • Review ministry fees and licences, and develop and implement changes as appropriate to ensure consistency between the fees and the services and opportunities provided.
  • Identify methods to reduce the costs incurred by those who must meet environmental standards, reduce conflicts and litigation, and eliminate service backlogs.
  • Implement an effective information system strategy.
  • Coordinate environmental assessment referrals for the ministry.
Objective: Effective and efficient compliance and enforcement.
  • Provide enforcement services to support Environmental Protection and Environmental Stewardship (fish, wildlife and protected areas) objectives.
  • Implement an annual compliance plan that helps prevent violations, includes deterrence incentives, outlines enforcement actions, and recognizes good performance.
  • Develop a set of compliance tools (such as administrative penalties and stewardship initiatives) that results in higher rates of compliance and effective targeting of resources.
  • Develop geographic area-based plans for compliance and enforcement activities that target situations posing high risks to human health or the environment.
  • Use the call centre to enable conservation officers to maintain their field presence and conduct enforcement activities in regional communities.
  • Work with local communities on strategies to prevent wildlife-human conflicts.
  • Ensure professional excellence through continuous improvement and accreditation programs.


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