Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives and StrategiesContinued

Core Business Area: Environmental Stewardship

Goal 2: Maintain and restore the natural diversity of ecosystems, and fish and wildlife species and their habitats.
Objective: Clear strategies and legislation to protect and restore ecosystems, species and their habitats.
  • Reduce regulatory requirements to decrease costs and implement results-based stewardship.
  • Develop a biodiversity strategy to provide a long-term vision and action plan for managing and conserving ecosystems, species and their habitats.
  • Coordinate government, public and industry-led actions to identify, protect and recover species and ecosystems at risk.
  • Coordinate government, public and industry-led actions to protect and improve our waterways through a Living Rivers Strategy.
  • Provide clear guidelines and standards for appropriate protection and conservation of biodiversity on Crown land outside the protected areas system.
  • Assess and respond to high-risk threats to ecosystems and identify opportunities to protect and restore key habitats within the protected areas system.
  • Undertake park management planning to ensure long-term management of conservation and recreation in parks and protected areas.
  • Streamline the Wildlife Act, Park Act and other legislation, including clarifying the designation categories for parks and protected areas.
  • Maintain regulatory and stewardship activities to monitor and report on achievement of standards used to manage and conserve ecosystems, species and their habitats.
Objective: Improved use of science for the development of standards and for effective monitoring and reporting.
  • Acquire the data, information and knowledge to support a science-based approach to the conservation of biodiversity.
  • Implement monitoring and reporting programs to track the status of species and ecosystems and their responses to management actions.
  • Develop standards and an assessment process to support a science-based approach to protecting fish habitat in urban areas.
  • Work with private and public sector partners to develop environmental standards and best practices for the Forest and Range Practices Act.
Objective: Increased number of partnerships to conserve ecosystems, species and their habitats.
  • Establish and maintain relationships with First Nations, communities, environmental organizations and academia to undertake activities to conserve ecosystems, species and habitats.
  • Provide standards, guidelines, best management practices and encouragement to private landowners to develop and implement sustainable stewardship practices.


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