Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Appendix — Service Plan Overview of the Ministry of
Water, Land and Air Protection

Core Business Area Environmental
Park, Fish and Wildlife Recreation Executive and
Support Services
  Protect environmental quality and human health and safety. Share stewardship to maintain and restore fish, wildlife and their habitats. Provide and enhance park, fish and wildlife recreation. Support ministry programs.

Streamlined standards and improved monitoring, reporting and compliance

Limits to air pollution

Contribution to climate change

Safe, high-quality drinking water

Reduced discharges that threaten water

Reduced land pollution

Response to high-risk environmental emergencies

Clear strategies and legislation to identify and restore ecosystems, species and habitats

Improved use of science to develop standards and effective monitoring and reporting

More partnerships to conserve ecosystems, species and habitats

High-quality park facilities, services and recreation opportunities

High-quality hunting, angling and wildlife viewing opportunities

Greater economic contribution of park, fish and wildlife recreation

Clear vision, leadership, direction and support for all ministry programs

Efficient program management, fiscal responsibility and client service

Effective and efficient compliance and enforcement

Primary Activities
  1. Coordinate operations and integrate ministry initiatives in all regions of the province using a geographic area-based planning approach to environmental management.
  2. Develop appropriate science–based standards and streamlined legislation.
  3. Ensure appropriate cost recovery and financial return/retention to the province for use of natural resources and services provided.
  4. Pursue opportunities for sharing responsibility among governments, First Nations, communities, academia, industries, volunteers and individuals.
  5. Monitor and report on compliance, enforcement and the state of the environment.
  6. Provide communication and education services using web-based and other resources.
Key Outputs Legislative reviews (e.g., Waste Management Act, Wildlife Act, Park Act)

Airshed Framework

Climate Change Strategy

Groundwater Regulation

Flood Hazard Strategy

Industry Stewardship Strategy

Biodiversity Strategy

Living Rivers Strategy

Protected Area Management Plans

Species at risk recovery teams

Funding and management model for fish-wildlife recreation and hatcheries

Provincial tourism strategy

Park recreation commercial partnerships

Service and Business Plans

Human Resource Strategy

Information Technology/Information Systems Strategy

Service Level Agreements

policy/regulatory frameworks

Annual compliance reports

Immediate Outcomes
  • Knowledgeable, accountable and responsive staff in all regions of the province
  • Accurate information on the status of B.C.’s water, land and air and on its protected areas, species, habitats and ecosystems
  • Timely licensing, authorization and permitting processes
  • Higher rates of compliance with environmental regulations, recognition of good performance and effective targeting of resources
  • Clear results-based standards, workable regulations and decreased costs to government and industry

Clear roles for governments and others

Clean up of contaminated sites

Expanded industry responsibility for spills

Improved prioritization of projects

Better coordination and integration of resources

More partnerships for the conservation of ecosystems

Effective service and facilities maintenance

Improved economic opportunities for First Nations and others

Clear link between resources and Service Plan

Legislation developed or revised to reduce red tape

Effective representation in intergovernmental forums

Better integration of science and risk management in decision-making

Expectations and results communicated to staff, clients and the public

Strong, healthy public service

Intermediate Outcomes

High-risk substances removed from the waste stream

Maintained or improved trends for high-risk pollutants to water, land, air and communities

Reduced number of ecosystems and species at risk

Conservation on Crown land with appropriate access to resources

Improved management of parks and protected areas

Hunting and angling opportunities, but long-term sustainability of wildlife and fish

Increased contribution of tourism to regional economies

Ultimate Outcome British Columbia will have a healthy physical environment and sustainable natural resources.


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