Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

C. Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Goal 4: Organizational excellence

Objective 1: Demonstrated visionary leadership and continuous improvement
Strategies Performance Measures Targets
  • Support staff participation in leadership and renewal activities
  • Support staff development of core competencies
  • Develop succession plans for critical positions
  • Involve staff in discussions on what the ministry is doing and why, and how their activities link to government priorities
  • On a quarterly basis, review and ensure that plans and actions of all staff are focused to achieve ministry priorities
  • Percentage of staff who have entered an Employee Performance and Development Plan (EPDP) cycle
  • 100% of staff have entered the cycle by end of 2003/04
  • Percentage of staff who receive 360 degree feedback
  • 100% of senior management staff by end of 2003/04
  • Annual survey of clients to determine if they understand what the ministry is trying to achieve and if the ministry is doing it in the most efficient and effective way
  • Client survey conducted, ministry benchmark established and future targets set by end of 2003/04
Objective 2: Performance-focused staff
Strategies Performance Measures Targets
  • Develop an employee-orientation program that focuses on direction, mandate and key services
  • Ensure staff has Employee Performance and Development Plans (EPDPs) in place
  • Introduce 360 feedback to employees
  • Implement rewards and recognition program
  • Ensure staff understands the value of ministry achievements and how they contribute to ministry success
  • Percentage of staff who have entered an EPDP cycle and meet or exceed performance goals
  • 80% of staff who have entered an EPDP cycle act on feedback to improve performance by end of 2003/04
  • Percentage of staff who receive 360 degree feedback
  • 100% of executive act on 360 degree feedback by end of 2003/04 to improve performance
Objective 3: Accountability and transparency to the public
Strategies Performance Measures Targets
  • Efficient use of public funds through shared services
  • Provide clear and easy access to ministry services
  • Clear assignment of ministry priorities and resources with government priorities
  • Clear accountabilities and ownership at all levels
  • Services acquired at levels and costs specified in service-level agreements for shared and consolidated services
  • Service-level agreements in place by end of 2003/04


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