Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives and StrategiesContinued

Goal 3: Sound governance of land and resource management

Objective 1: An effective policy regime for land and resource management
Strategies Performance Measures Targets
  • Review and develop effective strategic policies and legislation particularly for property assessment, revenue, land and water linked to Minister’s Council
  • Develop performance-based regulatory approaches
  • Reduce the number of regulatory requirements
  • Percentage reduction in the number of regulatory requirements relative to the June 2001 base number of 9373
  • 19% by end of 2003/04
  • 30% by end of June 2004
Objective 2: Crown land and resource decisions are informed by First Nations’ interests
Strategies Performance Measures Targets
  • Lead the development of strategic policies, including consultation, accommodation policies and treaty mandates, to ensure that First Nations’ interests inform Crown land and resource decisions
  • Provide corporate direction and advice on First Nations’ interests for Crown land and resource decisions
  • Client satisfaction for strategic policies and direction regarding First Nations’ interest in Crown land and resources
  • Complete benchmark client survey by end of 2003/04
Objective 3: An integrated sustainable resource management framework that informs Cabinet and Treasury Board policy decisions
Strategies Performance Measures Targets
  • Develop policy guidelines for the implementation of sustainable resource management framework
  • Develop an indicator report series — State of Sustainable Resource Management in B.C. — in collaboration with other resource agencies and the BC Progress Board
  • Improve application of sustainability principles to land and resource management
  • Policy guidelines for the implementation of sustainable resource management framework approved by Cabinet
  • Approval by end of 2003/04
Objective 4: Effective and efficient delivery of the ministry’s mission.
Strategies Performance Measures Targets
  • Develop and implement a comprehensive performance-management system
  • Performance reporting fully operational
  • By end of 2003/04


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