1: Integrated land and resource information |
Strategies |
Measures |
Targets |
- Provide integrated registry information
- Provide integrated resource information
- Provide a geographic spatial reference for the province
- Deliver an integrated data warehouse for access to resource
and registry information
- Maintain an operational information management infrastructure
- Percentage of land/resource information systems integrated
- 50% by end of 2003/04
- 75% by end of 2004/05
- Percentage of datasets loaded into data warehouse
- 40% by end of 2003/04
- 60% by end of 2004/05
- 80% by end of 2005/06
2: Effective delivery of client services |
Strategies |
Measures |
Targets |
- Provide access to information for government, industry
and public clients
- Provide decision support, information management services
and products in support of economic development and land-use
planning (supports Goal 1)
- Provide decision support, information management services
and products to other government agencies and partners
- Provide land title and registry services
- Percentage of clients satisfied with information-related
- 75% by end of 2003/04
- 90% by end of 2004/05
- Percentage of client requests for integrated information
delivered within timelines specified in service level
- 70% by end of 2003/04
- 80% by end of 2004/05
- 90% by end of 2005/06
- Percentage of land title transactions examined within
six working days
3: Transformed business, including e-government, deregulation
and alternative service delivery |
Strategies |
Measures |
Targets |
- Migrate to electronic service
- Develop and maintain partnerships with other governments,
industry, academia and other organizations
- Percentage of land and resource information services
available electronically
- 10% annually to a maximum of 60%
- Amount of cost recovery and cost reduction through partnerships
- $10M from partnerships by end of 2004/05