Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

C. Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Goal 1: Sustainable economic development of land and resources

Objective 1: Land- and resource-use decisions that enable sustainable economic development, contribute to more diversified resource-based communities and promote environmental stewardship
Strategies Performance Measures Targets
  • Complete priority land- and resource-use plans to facilitate sustainable development, including Land and Resource Management Plans (LRMP), Sustainable Resource Management Plans (SRMP) and coastal plans
  • Complete and support implementation of the Central Coast Strategy (including ecosystem-based management)
  • Establish landscape objectives to meet the requirements of the Results-Based Code to maintain and support forest industry competitiveness
  • Use sector strategies (mining, oil and gas, tourism, agriculture) to help establish land-use planning priorities that support government’s overall economic strategy
  • Identify and facilitate the development of resource-based tourism opportunities and a Crown land recreation strategy in collaboration with the Ministry of Competition, Science and Enterprise, LWBC, the Ministry of Water, Land and Air Protection and other stakeholders
  • Establish and work with government/client teams in each region to identify resource-based economic opportunities supported by resource-use plans and information
  • Identify and facilitate the development of opportunities to increase economic activity resulting from Crown land and resource use
  • Specified LRMPs which satisfy sustainability principles, completed by target dates
  • Central Coast interim planning measures by June 30, 2003 and completion of government to government negotiations with First Nations by December, 2003
  • North Coast, Queen Charlotte Islands, Sea-to-Sky, and Morice LRMP’s completed by end of 2003/04; Atlin-Taku LRMP completed by end of 2004/05 (under review)
  • Percentage of high priority SRMPs completed, including objectives to support the Results-Based Code
  • 45% by end of
  • 75% by end of
  • 100% by end of
  • Specific achievements with respect to socio-economic and/or environmental benefits resulting from identifying and developing specific Crown land-use opportunities (e.g., tourism projects)
  • Baseline and targets to be developed by end of 2003/04
Objective 2: Increased economic benefits resulting from First Nations’ participation in land and resource-based activities
Strategies Performance Measures Targets
  • Promote initiatives that improve economic development and resource management opportunities for First Nations
  • Develop agreements with First Nations that promote stewardship and economic development
  • Completion of action plans for First Nations’ involvement in resource-based economic development in each region
  • Action plans by end of 2003/04
  • Number and significance of new agreements with First Nations
  • Measure and target to be developed by end of 2003/04
  • Value of economic activity resulting from selected projects with First Nations
  • Measure and target to be developed by end of 2003/04
Objective 3: Sustainable development based on frameworks that support balanced resource-management decisions
Strategies Performance Measures Targets
  • Implement the Working Forest initiative and associated resource access targets
  • Develop policy to improve access to Crown land and resources
  • Support academia, First Nations, industry and other agencies to improve science-based decisions on land-use and resource management
  • Develop and refine socio-economic and environmental assessment tools to inform land and resource decisions
  • Provision of tools and policy that support balanced decision making
  • Working Forest policy and associated resource targets implemented by end of 2003/04
  • Socio-economic and environmental analysis tools to support all levels of planning completed for all LRMPs by end of 2003/04
  • Eco-system based management framework developed by end of 2003/04


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