Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Goal: Fair and balanced employment standards that allow mutually beneficial relationships between employees and employers.
Objective: Facilitate increased compliance with ESA.
Strategies: Increase employers’ and employees’ knowledge and understanding of ESA.

Ensure contraventions of ESA are identified and corrected.

Objective: Create a fairer and more balanced employment standards system that benefits employers and employees.
Strategies: Ensure ESA is suited to today’s workplaces and meets the needs of employers and employees.

Increase employers’ and employees’ awareness of the employment standards system, including where they can go for assistance.

Develop a vibrant relationship with industry that promotes joint responsibility for education and training.

Objective: Resolve employment standards disputes prior to formal complaint being filed with ESB.
Strategies: Provide advice and support services for employers and employees.

Support early intervention and alternative dispute resolution in employment standards disputes.

Objective: Increase ESB efficiency and effectiveness.
Strategies: Support early intervention in employment standards disputes.

Improve quality of ESB decision-making.

Provide early intervention/dispute resolution processes.

Objective: Streamline appeal system.
Strategies: Ensure consistency in decision-making.


Employment Standards
Performance Measures
Base Data
Output Measures
Complaints received by ESB. 14,000 12,500 11,250 - 10,000 11,250 -10,000 11,250 - 10,000
ESA determinations.1 1,600 1,550 1,400 – 1,250 1,400 – 1,250 1,400 – 1,250
EST appeals and reconsiderations processed. 809 826 740 - 660 740 - 660 740 - 660
ESB early intervention attempts.2 1,435 1,580 1,500 1,500 1,500
Outcome Measures
Determinations upheld by the EST.3 68% 68% 70% 70% 70%
EST timeliness.4   90 90 90 90
ESB timeliness.5   180 150 120 100
1   A determination is an official written decision made by the branch on an employee/employer issue. The estimates are broad to indicate uncertainty in ESB activities, due to substantial changes in legislation and operations. As trend information emerges in 2003/04, better forecasts will be developed.
2   An intervention attempt is an attempt to resolve a problem between the employee and employer by providing information on basic requirements of the ESA, which eliminates the need to file a formal complaint.
3   Based on 516 decisions that made findings with respect to substantive matters under appeal.
4   The length of time to decide appeal (days). Data commenced in 2002/03.
5   The length of time from submission of complaint to closure (days). Data commenced in 2002/03.


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