Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures, Targets and ExpendituresContinued

Core Business Area: Compliance and Consumer Services
Goal: Public interests are protected as industries prosper


Provide services that protect the public interest while promoting fairness and understanding in the marketplace


• Move regulated consumer industries toward self-management

• Implement new legislation and regulations for consumer industries

• Improve quality of consumer information on film classifications and warnings

• Take targeted enforcement action to reduce consumer victimization

Goal: An efficient residential tenancy system
Objective: Provide timely and accessible resolution of landlord-tenant disputes


• Implement new residential tenancy legislation

• Improve quality of residential tenancy information

• Provide residential tenancy information more efficiently through the Internet and information clinics

Goal: Safer streets in every community
Objective: Improve driver safety and commercial transport industry compliance


• Review and modify driver and commercial transport regulations, eliminating unnecessary regulations

• Improve ability to focus on driver safety initiatives by making business practices more efficient

• Reduce overlap between enforcement agencies

• Pursue increased cooperation and integration between police and compliance enforcement services 


Performance Measures: 2001/02
Base Data
2002/03 Estimate 2003/04
Output Measures
% of non-monetary residential tenancy arbitrations scheduled in 12 days or less1 64%2 80%3 85%3 85%3 85%3
% of monetary residential tenancy arbitrations scheduled in 6 weeks or less 91% 90% 90% 90% 90%
Outcome Measures
Driver safety rate4 +/- 2% +/- 2% +/- 2% +/- 2% +/- 2%
Variation from national average in out-of-service (OOS) rate for commercial vehicles5 +0.15% 0.0% +/- 2% +/- 2% +/- 2%
Variation from national average in OOS rate for commercial vehicle drivers6 +0.40% +1.0% +/- 2% +/- 2% +/- 2%
Efficiency Measures
Reduced film licence categories 13 5 5 5 5
Reduced film fees categories 28 5 5 5 5
$ per FTE in restitution resulting from consumer services industry investigations $0.065M $0.500M7 $0.600M $0.700M $0.700M
1   Measure varies from Fiscal 2002/2003 Service Plan in that this new measure reflects an additional two days required for clients served by registered mail.
2   Budget reduction measures for 2001/2002 necessitated delays in scheduling non-monetary hearings.
3   Target adjusted to reflect reduced number of hearing rooms available resulting from additional budget reductions announced after original targets were set.
4   Percentage change in driver improvement as a result of intervention, expressed as a percentage of the previous 2 year average. Base data will be determined after 2002/2003 figures become available.
5   A commercial vehicle is taken out of service (OOS) when it is ticketed for a safety violation. The goal is to maintain a rate within 2% of the national average.
6   Commercial vehicle drivers may be taken out of service (OOS) if, for example, they have exceeded the maximum allowable hours of work under the National Safety Code.
7   Significant increase over original target due to fewer FTEs and large amounts recovered in a few cases.


Expenditures of Core Business Area:
(With the exception of FTEs, all figures are expressed in thousands of dollars)
2002/03 Restated Estimates 2003/04
2004/05 Plan 2005/06 Plan
Operating Expenses ($000)
Operating Expenditures 15,964 36,018 35,283 35,249
Consolidated Capital Plan (CCP) ($000)
Capital Expenditures (CPP) 0 0 0 0
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Capital Expenditures (CRF) 560 1,627 1,462 1,582
Full-time Equivalents (FTE)
FTEs direct 184 416 408 408
Other Financing Transactions ($000)
Financing Transactions 0 0 0 0
1   Significant increase in budget due to the addition of the Office of the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles and the Commercial Vehicle Safety and Enforcement Division to the Branch.


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