Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Goals, Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures, Targets and ExpendituresContinued

Core Business Area: Corrections
Goal: Communities that are safe from high-risk offenders
Objective: Enforce court orders efficiently and effectively

• Provide custody and community supervision to offenders

• Consolidate resources while maintaining staff and offender safety

Objective: Manage offenders based on risk to re-offend
Strategy: • Conduct offender risk/needs assessments to determine appropriate supervision
Objective: Reduce risk of re-offending
Strategy: • Provide core programs that target offender risk and need


Performance Measures 2001/02
Base Data
Output Measures
Average daily count of offenders in adult custody 2,3191 2,0481 2,0161 2,0161 2,0161
Average # of offenders under community supervision 21,7271 21,1941 20,8911 20,2831 20,2831
% offender risk/needs assessments completed 85% 85% 85% 85% 85%
% of offenders successfully completing core programs 70% 70% 75% 75% 75%
Outcome Measures
% of offenders who do not re-offend 69%2 70% 70% 70% 70%
Efficiency Measures
Offender-to-caseworker ratios 70:1 71:1 73:1 Up to 77:1 Up to 77:1
Inmate-to-staff ratios 20:1 Up to 45:1 Up to 45:1 Up to 45:1 Up to 45:1
Consolidation of community operations 58 offices 53 offices 53 offices 53 offices 53 offices
Consolidation of adult custody operations

20 centres operational

11 centres operational;
6 centres expanded

11 centres operational

10 centres operational

10 centres operational

1   The counts and caseloads shown above are forecasts. Actual targets cannot be set because Corrections workload is dependent upon court sentences.
2   Re-admission baselines are measured using a two-year rolling average. Baseline figures represent fiscal year 1998/1999 data. This data includes all offenders under sentenced supervision by the Branch.


Expenditures of Core Business Area:
(With the exception of FTEs, all figures are expressed in thousands of dollars)
2002/03 Restated Estimates 2003/04
2004/05 Plan 2005/06 Plan
Operating Expenses ($000)
Operating Expenditures 217,266 188,397 172,829 172,829
Consolidated Capital Plan (CCP) ($000)
Capital Expenditures (CPP) 13,500 0 0 0
Ministry Capital Expenditures (Consolidated Revenue Fund) ($000)
Capital Expenditures (CRF) 2,335 2,659 557 1,247
Full-time Equivalents (FTE)
FTEs direct 2,211 1,960 1,793 1,793
Other Financing Transactions ($000)
Financing Transactions 0 0 0 0


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