Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Objectives and Strategies

Goal 1: Workforce Adjustment — To quickly transition the workforce from today’s business practices to the business practices of tomorrow
Objectives Strategies
Objective 1.1 — Ministries are provided with effective change management services and programs to assist them in achieving workforce adjustment and redesign of their organizations Review and implement workforce adjustment guidelines and policies.

Manage and provide guidance and support to ministries on the workforce adjustment process, including the administration of voluntary exit programs, the placement of surplus workers, wherever possible and as required, and the involuntary lay-off of employees surplus to the government’s requirements.

Provide services and advice to executive and ministries to support the re-profiling of existing organizations and the implementation of new government organizations.

Goal 2: Public Service Renewal — To rebuild and sustain a professional public service capable of providing quality services which meet the needs of British Columbians
Objectives Strategies
Objective 2.1 — Effective HR governance and policy frameworks are in place Develop and maintain a corporate HR plan.

Undertake ongoing program evaluation of HR programs and systems and develop and implement a performance management framework for the Commission.

Develop and implement an HR information strategy to ensure access to information to inform HR managers and enhance decision-making capacity.

Objective 2.2 — The public service has visionary and proactive leadership Establish a Leadership Centre that concentrates on building a corporate resource of executives and leaders who have the knowledge, support and services they need to implement the business and renewal agendas of government.

Keep the leadership resource vibrant through recruitment, development and succession planning.

Objective 2.3 — HR standards and practices support a performance-focused workforce Implement a simplified, flexible and timely recruitment and staffing process that is results based and “merit-driven”.

Establish “core competencies” for all managers and supervisors.

Develop and implement an integrated employee performance management system that enables ongoing learning and development and succession management.

Objective 2.4 — The public service has a flexible and motivating work environment Review and simplify current job evaluation and compensation processes.

Develop a long-term strategic approach to compensation.

Objective 2.5 — The public service is a learning and innovative organization Implement the government Corporate Learning Strategy.

Continually improve corporate and ministry HR practices in support of government business goals.

Objective 2.6 — Progressive employee-employer relations practices are in place throughout the public service Utilize and continue to improve alternative dispute resolution methods, including identifying new methods in consultation with employee groups.

Continue to identify new methods of consultation with employee groups.

Goal 3: HR Organization and Practices — To ensure that the HR organization for the BC government public service is efficiently and effectively organized, staffed and supported
Objectives Strategies
Objective 3.1 — An effective accountability framework for the management of HR in the public service is in place Establish a clear accountability framework for HR management in the public service.

Ensure that all programs and services offered by the Commission support the government’s strategic plan or Corporate HR Plan.

Objective 3.2 — The HR organization is responsive and effective and delivers quality HR programs and services to Ministry clients Build and sustain a HR organization with the appropriate people, tools and systems to deliver high quality, effective programs and services to clients.

Ensure that managers are supported by preferred practices that integrate legislation, policy, practices and collective agreement provisions.

Administer collective agreements in an efficient and consistent manner to protect the interests of ministries.

Be well prepared to successfully renegotiate expired agreements with employee groups and negotiate within fiscal mandate while maintaining management flexibility and competitive total compensation

Objective 3.3 — Delivery of HR programs and services is streamlined and efficient The HR organization is structured to deliver services and programs in the most efficient and cost effective way

Finish review of all HR legislation, policies, procedures and other regulatory requirements.

Benchmark all HR programs and services to ensure value and cost efficiency.

Review structure of pension and benefits funding model and administration of funds.


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