Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Summary of Goals, Objectives, Strategies and Performance Measures by
Core Business Areas

Goal 1:
Maximize Voluntary Compliance
Performance Measures 2002/03 Base 2003/04 Target 2004/05 Target 2005/06 Target
Core Business Area:
Executive and Support Services
Maximize use of new electronic technologies to facilitate ease of transactions
Key Strategy:          
Implement a strategic plan for the deployment of
e-services to support program areas and government direction.
e-service strategic plan and supporting policies developed by June 30, 2003 New Initiative Completed Completed Completed
Deploy e-services strategic plan % of plan deployed 0% 25% 50%
Core Business Area:
Tax Administration and Collection
Maximize use of new electronic technologies to facilitate ease of transactions
Key Strategy:          
Leverage electronic service delivery to provide self-service access to information Number of visitors to websites 300,000 340,000 360,000 380,000
Quality services that promote and respond to customer’s needs by helping customers understand their obligations and entitlements, and pay the correct amount on time
Key Strategy:          
Increase taxpayer acceptance of their responsibilities to pay tax/debt obligations Percentage of on-time tax payments 85% 85% 85% 85%


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