Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Summary of Related Planning ProcessesContinued

Goal 4: A Committed and Engaged Workforce that Achieves Results

Objective Strategy Performance Measures Performance Targets
03/04 04/05 05/06
A workforce that delivers services in a cost-effective manner, strives for continuous improvement, and focuses on results.
Employees participate in the development of the annual Service Plan.
% of Divisions with Integrated Service Plans and HR Plans. 30% 80% 100%
Organizational performance is reported, course correction is taken where required, and success is celebrated.
% of Service Plan Targets Achieved. TBD* TBD* TBD*
% of Employees aware of progress on Service Plan targets. (Annual Employee Survey). TBD* TBD* TBD*
  % of Employees that indicated comprehension of vision, mission, and goals of the organization and their role in assisting in achieving these goals. (Annual Employee Survey) TBD* TBD* TBD*
Individual performance is recognized, course correction is taken where required, and success is celebrated.
% of Employees who have had a formal, annual performance review. (Annual Employee Survey). Baseline TBD* +X%* +X%*

TBD* = To Be Determined
+X% indicates an as yet undetermined increase from the baseline data


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