Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Summary of Related Planning ProcessesContinued

Goal 3: A Learning and Knowledge Sharing Organization

Objective Strategy Performance Measures Performance Targets
03/04 04/05 05/06
Expanding knowledge base fully shared.
Create a professional development plan for each employee, aligned with the Ministries' goals and priorities, signed off by management, and reviewed and updated annually.

% of Employees who have a Professional Development Plan.

Baseline TBD* +X% +X%
% of Professional Development Plan Actions Completed on Time. Baseline TBD* +X% +X%
% of Employees who indicate alignment between Ministries' goals and their contribution to these goals.
(Annual Employee Survey).
Baseline TBD* +X% +X%
Provide the tools to ensure the free flow of organizational knowledge.
% of Employees who indicate they are able to access information/knowledge both from hard sources and from colleagues.
(Annual Employee Survey).
Baseline TBD* +X% +X%

TBD* = To Be Determined
+X% indicates an as yet undetermined increase from the baseline data


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