Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Core Business: Stewardship and Corporate Management

Stewardship (continued)

1. High Quality Patient Care
2. Improved Health and Wellness for British Columbians
3. A Sustainable, Affordable Health Care System
Objective 1: Direction
Government's strategic direction is clearly defined and communicated and guides service delivery.
Objective 2: Support
Supports are in place to facilitate the achievement of strategic priorities, and barriers to change have been removed.
Objective 3: Monitoring, Evaluation and Course Correction
Delivered services meet public needs and are sustainable.

MOHS Strategy 8: Develop an effective monitoring and evaluation framework for services provided by health authorities and other system partners (e.g., health professions).

MOHS Strategy 9: Monitor financial status to ensure overall health system costs stay within budget.

MOHS Strategy 10: Improve the quality and timeliness of reporting by the health authorities.

MOHS Strategy 11: Undertake value-for-money reviews of the following: Scopes of practice; laboratory services; Medical Services Commission; and streamlining and improving business practices in Pharmacare.

Performance Measures:

MOHS – PM #7 (Relates to Strategy 8): HA compliance with the performance agreement

Target 02/03: Confirm criteria for compliance

Target 03/04: 6/6 HAs will be in compliance

Target 04/05: 6/6 HAs will be in compliance

Target 05/06: 6/6 HAs will be in compliance

MOHS – PM #8 (Relates to Strategy 9): Health authorities are in a balanced budget position over the two year period 2002/03 – 2003/04 and then are balanced in each subsequent fiscal year.

Target 02/03 – 03/04: Expenditures will not exceed revenues over these two fiscal years combined.

Target 04/05: Expenditures will not exceed revenues in this fiscal year

Target 05/06: Expenditures will not exceed revenues in this fiscal year.

MOHS – PM #9 (Relates to Strategy 9): Overall health system financial status (actual expenditures compared to budgeted expenditures at year end)

Target 02/03: Expenditures do not exceed budget

Target 03/04: Expenditures do not exceed budget

Target 04/05: Expenditures do not exceed budget

Target 05/06: Expenditures do not exceed budget

MOHS – PM #10 (Relates to Strategy 11): Pharmacare programs and policies reviewed for congruency with quality patient outcomes, program sustainability and transparency.

Target 02/03: N/A

Target 03/04: Review completed and changes implemented

Target 04/05: Measured changes with respect to outcomes, sustainability and transparency assessed and reported

Target 05/06: Completed


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