Budget 2003 -- Government of British Columbia.

Objectives, Strategies, Performance Measures and TargetsContinued

Core Business: Stewardship and Corporate Management


1. High Quality Patient Care
2: Improved Health and Wellness for British Columbians
Objective 1: Direction
Government's strategic direction is clearly defined and communicated and guides service delivery.
Objective 2: Support
Supports are in place to facilitate the achievement of strategic priorities, and barriers to change have been removed.
Objective 3: Monitoring, Evaluation and Course Correction
Delivered services meet public needs and are sustainable.

MOHS Strategy 1: Translate government's direction into measurable expectations that will guide operational management and delivery of health services, while allowing partners the flexibility to operate services to meet those expectations.

MOHS Strategy 2: Align health care funding with BC's strategic priorities, while ensuring health care commitments made with other governments are met.

MOHS Strategy 3: Facilitate the delivery of health services by partners through the development and use of best practice guidelines and protocols.

Performance Measures:

MOHS – PM #1 (Relates to Strategy 1): Partners' ratings of the clarity, timeliness and usefulness of government direction in guiding service delivery

Target 03/04: N/A

Target 03/04: TBD

Target 04/05: TBD

Target 05/06: TBD

MOHS – PM #2 (Relates to Strategy 2): Commitments articulated in the 2003 Accord met

Target 03/04: N/A

Target 03/04: TBD, based on joint federal, provincial and territorial discussions in the fall of 2003

Target 04/05: TBD

Target 05/06: TBD

MOHS – PM #3 (Relates to Strategy 3): Strategic clinical practice guidelines in priority areas developed and implemented

Base 02/03: 7 guidelines approved

Target 03/04: develop and implement guidelines for palliative care, post-stay acute care, assisted living, hypertension, asthma, and depression.

Target 04/05: develop and implement guidelines in two additional areas (TBD)

Target 05/06: develop and implement guidelines in two additional areas (TBD


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